
Well I’ve found my first real annoyance with this game.

They have a really cool trainer (“riff repeater”) but they’ve gone and made it too gamey. The last thing I want to do when I’m banging away at a riff is have to exit out every 5 “lives”, wait for the load/save, hit restart, wait for the loading screens, go through the tuner, then finally start my next 5 chances.

I can appreciate that they wanted to make this more game than trainer and kind of trick you into practicing but I think they went a bit too far. They should have kept the game mechanics in the guitarcade and let the trainer be a trainer.

That’s a pretty big annoyance. If they really wanted to have some consequences in the trainer, a better approach would be to slow down the riff after 5 missed chances. At least that way, the trainer encourages proper muscle memory.

Their “I iz a game deziner” decisions are universally awful. It’s like they started with a perfect teaching tool and then brainstormed endless irritating gaming tropes to shoehorn in there so they could call it a game. So much missed potential.

So apparently, the DLC you buy won’t play unless you are logged in online. UBI strikes again with bad DRM choices .

So PSN/xbox live down…no dlc, or ubi decides to pull the server plug next year, no dlc.

Great game, but after hearing this I already regret my purchase.

source for this claim?

The game is from Ubisoft. Do you really need a source with their track record?

The UBI support guy tells him to log into his account before starting the game.

The guy says the DLC disappears when he disconnects his internet.

Now, the guy may just be an idiot. I didn’t pre-order to get the 2 free songs so I can’t test this myself

Yeah, having “lives” and “dying” in practice mode is silly. Still, they got so much else right. You can’t fail a song during a performance; it just gets easier. You don’t get booed; the crowd just doesn’t applaud as much. The automatic difficulty adjusting works perfectly. In practice mode, you can step through the chords/notes one at a time. I would kill for that option in Rock Band keyboard practice. It’s amazing how many things about practice mode are better than Rock Band, and it’s their first game.

For the guitar players here, I’m a lefty and figured I could play guitar right-handed because I use a mouse/keyboard combo that way, but my natural inclination is to play lefty. Should have thought about that before buying this, obviously, but how much of a pain in the ass would it be to restring the guitar it comes with for lefty play?

You likely can’t do that with the existing nut on the guitar (the string guide up by the tuners). The slots are varying in width to accommodate the larger strings on the low end. You’d probably be better off selling the one you got to Guitar Center and picking up a cheap (or used) left handed guitar.

Also, I don’t remember what the physical guitar shape is, but you’d likely have no access to the high frets (18+) with the guitar upside down.

You’d probably be better off selling the guitar and buying a left-handed one instead, honestly. It is possible to string a right-handed guitar “upside down” and play that way (like Jimi Hendrix did), but I don’t recommend it.

Well, shit. Many thanks for the feedback.

Go ahead and string it backwards, it won’t hurt anything. I did it for years on an acoustic with no problems. Better that than spending $300 just to try out a game that may or may not hook you.


Do you have any friends interested in Rocksmith? Maybe convince them to buy a lefty guitar and trade with them?

I’m having some trouble with the tuning. Two strings are out of tune, but Rocksmith keeps having me tune them incorrectly. An annoyance, but I’ll probably pick it up tomorrow. Maybe it’s just me guitar, it’s been falling apart for years.

A substandard guitar should only affect how long it stays in tune, you should be able to tune it at any moment in time perfectly. Rocksmith might be a bit wonky on the pickup translation if you can’t get them in tune at all.


I just realized you can customize the set lists. They hide a menu item to the left when you are in the ‘Recommends’ view. There’s also menu items to the left in the song view for filtering and sorting the list.

Anybody know what the patch was for? There was nothing on the official ubi forums about it.

It seems like the feedback on this game is fairly polarizing. Personally, I can say that I’ve tried on three separate occasions to learn how to play the guitar - via books, DVDs and even a 16 week class - and have not been able to play even a single song from start to completion.

Thanks to Rocksmith, after just a few nights of play, I can.

So as a tool for learning to play the guitar for an absolute beginner, it’s the best I’ve found yet.

Any experienced guitarists playing this? I enjoyed the Pro mode in Rock Band, but I only have the fake Mustang guitar because I didn’t want to drop the extra cash on a cheapo Squire. I like the idea of using my real guitar to play the game, but I didn’t like the sound of having to grind on low difficulty to be allowed to play up to my level, as the 1up review describes. Is it as tedious to level up as they make it sound?

Yes and no.

The first time playing any new song is numbingly boring, but by the second or third play, the the game had adjusted properly.

I really wish there was a way I could tell the game I’m an experienced guitarist and to start each song at difficulty 10/20 (instead of always 1/20) and adjust up or down from there, though.