Rocksteady's Suicide Squad: when Justice Leagues -- and Rocksteady brawlers? -- go bad

Last I looked at the reddit thread this was based on it was just a single dude who begged for a refund and got one from Sony, and another person who did the same on Xbox. This is firmly in the “got a customer service rep on a good day” realm, not a “Sony has a policy change regarding refunds of this specific game” situation. Sony will give courtesy refunds at their discretion for any game.

It’s easy to get refunds for Xbox games, you don’t even need to talk to a service rep.

Not if you’ve played over 60 hours, which is what was reported by the Xbox user on Reddit. The PlayStation user had also played over 30 hours.

That’s true, I think Xbox’s rules are fairly similar to Steam’s last I checked. Though the idea that someone played a game over thirty hours and then successfully argued for a refund is pretty funny.

I played BG3 on the XSX for awhile, maybe not 30 hours, but a pretty long time before I decided it wasn’t for me and Buyer’s Remorse kicked in. I did a longshot refund request and it was approved, to my surprise.

Wow, that is an inspirational story. I would never have thought of that.

I wonder if I can try that with Super Mario Wonder.

So the credits rolled for me over the weekend, at which point I came back to this thread since there was nothing left to spoil! I was dismayed that pretty much no one was playing Suicide Squad, and instead you guys were just passing around second-hand disdain as if it were a bad penny. : (

So I started a post to explain why I had been enjoying it so much, breaking down my comments into four categories: the city, the writing, the combat, and the characters. That was first-thing Sunday morning. And here, late Monday afternoon, I’m only now finishing the post, which got a little out of hand. Oh, I also took some screenshots, to explain some stuff. And to reflect how much I absolutely love this silly thing, I slapped a score on it. So I posted it to the front page because it’s far too long to be appended here. Anyway, my post that’s far too long to be a post is here, and it has its own thread, which seems superfluous.

Anyway, even though it’s a perfectly cromulent single-player game, I’ve been hitting the multiplayer pretty hard lately. If anyone would like to join me, let me know and we can make it happen. The multiplayer is easy to manage, and there are no limitations in terms of differing player levels, being at different points in the storyline, or anything like that. Once you’re out of the tutorial – basically, chapter one – you should be good to go. And if you’ve actually finished the story, even better!

I wish more of you were playing it, because I’d love to play it with you. Barring that, maybe we can talk more about it? But the last thing I’m interested in is the opinions of people who aren’t on this forum reading this thread.

I think you have a problem of loving a style of game that not many people also love. I’d figured once I saw this game described as a sort of Agents of Mayhem, that you’d enjoy it.

Maybe not as much as you did though.

And style is probably the wrong word, since there are a bunch of games in a similar “style” that were a success, but rather that do specific things within that style of game.

48% now. Flash deal, buy today if anyone is interested.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League | PC Steam Game | Fanatical

I’ve played it a bit, and enjoyed it, despite the obivous shortcomings and issues cropping up.

I am, as I always do unfortunately, waiting for a few patches and the first season to drop, which is late this month (25th I think?), featuring a new member for the team, and some new missions and weapons.

I enjoyed what I played, mainly playing as Harly - I love the story bits, and the combat is fun.

What ISN*t fun though, is the showstopper quests, where you have to deal damage by only doing one specific type of damage. I really dont like that, and must admit, I didn’t examine the system enough to really understand 100 procent what it meant, so I banged my head against a few these, not being able to progress, and overcame a few, mostly by luck.

Anyways - I’ll be back to the game once the new season hits.

Edit: One weird thing - I have a few threads that never show up as having new replies (bolded), regardless of whether they have it or not. This is one of them. Its listed as “Tracking” though, so something seems up?

I called it!

Here’s what I wrote in the review thread when I was asked about mission variety:

(By the way, I didn’t even fully understand how those missions work when I wrote that. Non-critical hits heal enemies in those missions. So using a gun with a high firing rate is actually healing them!)

I understand your complaint, and I don’t mean to marginalize your frustration, but here is your issue:

Suicide Squad is a game that expects you to understand its systems. And it does this by putting you in situations where you won’t make any progress otherwise; it’s more than happy to let you fight while you’re doing zero damage, as you may know! But I find it fascinating that players resist a game – indeed resent it – when it’s encouraging them to learn its systems. As anyone who’s played Rocksteady’s previous games should know, there’s a sophisticated combat system at work here instead of a loosey-goosey shooter! Wouldn’t you want to learn it?

I’m not trying to single you out, @Hamilton, since I know the complaint isn’t unique to you. For what it’s worth, you can always drop the difficulty to “Walk in the Park” to get through the support missions. Then you can resume the normal difficulty chase after you’ve finished that mission. Lord knows, I did it for a number of them because I just wanted to unlock the support option!

But suffice it to say, once Suicide Squad gets into the endgame difficutly push, you need to know how this stuff works. You need to have eaten your vegetables. : )

What I don’t know about Discourse would fill volumes! Fortunately, we have folks here who might be able to help you. I bet if you posted your issue in this thread…

…you would get an explanation stat.

I’ve been watching some footage of this after reading Tom’s review (especially after invoking Anthem, which I loved so much). It looks like so much fun! I couldn’t get into the spider-man games because of all the different button combos to pull off different moves was a bit much for me, but this being effectively a looter shooter with interesting traversal, I think I can handle.

Also, I was worried about the necessity (to at least some degree) of building up the combo meter, but it looks like there is a generous amount of time before it resets.

I’m still hesitant, though, because I’ve only been playing on the deck and I think I’d be much better off with a mouse and keyboard for this. I just haven’t been playing at the computer because I’m too tired when I get off work

worst dirty movie I ever saw

Yeah, as I think I mentioned somewhere, it’s misleading to call it a combo counter, because it’s really more about a kill tally! Still, it does fade eventually. It’s so annoying during missions with stages when it fades while the level “restocks”. Argh! Which is presumably the point of dividing those missions into stages, but I still hate losing a 50X combo/kill tally!

Really? I mean, it does have locational damage, so I get wanting the mouse aim. But because of the traversal, Suicide Squad feels like such a controller game to me. It helps that I’ve got the autoaim jacked up, which gets me all the locational damage I need. There’s also an option to autoaim for juggling, which is a huge help! Nearly a cheat! So with those two settings, I don’t feel like I need mouse aiming.

Which frees up the controller for traversal, which is where it really helps me. For instance, being able to hover while fighting – one of Deadshot’s main claims to Anthem-ness! – is the sort of thing that’s easier for me if my fingers are all positioned on the necessary buttons for firing, reloading, and hucking a grenade. I don’t think I can manage this as well on a keyboard. And for Harley Quinn – at least for my fingers – forget about keyboarding! She’s got so much going on with swinging, grappling, changing the length of her line, diving, and her double-jump, each of which is a crucial part of her traversal with a separate input. And all the while you’ll want to be able not just to fight, but to immediately respond to counters and shield harvests while she’s swinging. She’s pretty goddamn amazing, but you gotta manage the fingerwork. And I say that as someone who’s put in his time with King Shark, Deadshot, and Boomerang.

Not sure if we’re Steam friends (I’m “tomchick”), but I’ve been making sure I’m online specifically for anyone playing Suicide Squad. If you ever see me, feel free to ping me and I’d be delighted to come tag along in your game. No mic or anything needed. I enjoy watching people play and I’d be happy to help you advance whatever you’re working on!

So apparently one of the reasons Suicide Squad is doing poorly is because people are upset about the always-online “games as a service” element.

Which hasn’t bothered me for a couple of reasons. Mainly because there haven’t been any sort of micropayment nags, so the “always-online” has been effectively invisible for me. Yeah, it’s annoying having to log into the WB servers every time I boot up the game. But I’ve had no problems playing single-player, and only minimal issues connecting with my friends, which were solved once we understood how multiplayer works (everyone joins and then you load the gameworld!). So while I can be sympathetic to the complaints about “games as a service”, I haven’t been affected by any sort of online issues.

Until yesterday. As of yesterday, I’ve been unable to get into a multiplayer game with my friend.

We tried yesterday afternoon, had no luck, and eventually concluded there was some issue with the WB servers. Okay, so this is why people get pissed at the game. Not necessarily because you have to be online, but because I can’t even get online! It’s been many weeks since the release, so launch issues should be smoothed over by now, yet I can’t play with my friend? Probably just a temporary issue, bad timing on our part, it’ll be fixed in no time, right?

But again today, I am unable to connect with my friend. He was able to play with a rando, but for some reason, he and I can’t get online together. Actually, it’s more that I can’t get online, at least with another player. I can form up a group, but once it goes to load the game world, I hang at the loading screen while everyone else gets in and starts playing. Is it my system? Really, the issue is probably the WB servers, since I’ve had no issues up to now. Why would my computer suddenly be to blame? Yet I spent a good chunk of time yesterday and today troubleshooting it because I wanted to play Suicide Squad with my friend.

Argh! And, really, this isn’t even a “games as a service” complaint, but a complaint about the sudden onset of non-working multiplayer functionality! Waaaah!

Yeah, I’d need that for sure with a controller. I’m pretty sure the only shooters I’ve ever played with a controller are the EDF games

So I did pick this up yesterday, and am having fun with it. I find combat to be quite chaotic, even in the early stages. I was losing my shields often, Ave though I understand harvesting just fine, it can be a bit tricky to shoot someone in the legs instead of accidentally meleeing them, without killing them, so I can.

But a couple of missions in, I got a shotgun for King shark that gives me shields tokens from interrupts, which I find quite easy to do (except again for the melee business).

On k/m the default binds put fire and melee both on left click. I’m thinking of separating melee into right click, where I would usually put it. I wonder if I do that, will I still have to aim to hit the little interrupt shots (forget the name). Got a couple of other buttons I will probably switch around too.

I was initially concerned that I couldn’t change the camera so the movement distance doesn’t vary when starting/stopping, but it didn’t bug me after a couple of minutes.

Anyway, this is a blast so far. I haven’t switched off sharkie yet. Wondering if I should to get gear for the others

The interrupt shots are “counters” (remember that you can hit an enemy anywhere on his body to counter him, but if you hit him in the area designated by the lightning bolts, you’ll get a “perfect counter”).

And as I’m sure you’ve realized by now, you counter with a different button than you attack. On a controller, attacks are right trigger, but counters are right bumper. I bring this up because as you’re getting comfortable with a keyboard configuration, remember that countering is something you should be able to react to very quickly, hence the RT/RB layout on a controller. Those little lightning bolts indicating an enemy queueing up his attack will be one of the main things you want to be able to a) notice and b) react to during the swirl of combat. Make sure you choose a button you can easy tap without interrupting whatever else you’re doing!

I know you probably hate to hear this, but it really doesn’t matter during the storyline. Play whomever you want, use whichever gear you want, don’t get fussed too much about your build, just have fun. This is like an action RPG where you don’t need to worry about cultivating gear and working out builds until much later. The storyline just wants you to get used to the weird wonky systems, to sample various playstyles at your discretion, and to explore the world and activities.

The real pushback comes later. :)

So I’m on day three of being unable to get online to play. Somethings seems to have happened with the latest patch and it’s effectively knocked me offline, which wouldn’t be a big deal if I hadn’t been specifically working on advancing characters with a friend! I know there have been complaints about connectivity issues since launch, but these recent issues are the first I’m seeing of them.

And as near as I can tell, there’s zero communication from Warner Bros. or Rocksteady about these latest outages. :(

Meanwhile, here are the patch notes for a patch that isn’t due out until the 26th for some reason.

The post is mostly a promo for the upcoming DLC, but keep scrolling for some interesting rebalancing. Also, yeesh, look at all those bug fixes. Hopefully whatever shitfuckery is going on with their multiplayer connectivity is among the fixes.

After your enthusiastic review, I hope there’s a team at Rocksteady furiously working to fix the Tom Chick problem.

Thanks to you, I’m eager to play this someday… just not sure when!