Rogue One: Good movie or bad movie?

Here is mine:

  1. A New Hope
  2. Empire
  3. Rogue One
  4. The Force Awakens
  5. Solo
  6. Return of the Jedi
  7. Last Jedi
  8. AotC
  9. Revenge
  10. Phantom

If we’re being honest, RotS ranks as highly as it does for me because I could watch the scene of Obi Wan quadsecting Anakin over and over again until I died.

If Hayden had died his hair goth black and added a bunch of piercings like he did in Life as a House he may have been more convincing. The blonde hair and rat tail just made him look like a twat.

Lord of the Rings peaked with #1, and the last 20 minutes were the only thing good about Rogue One.

Remember that 'mando just said he doesn’t like sad endings. So with that in mind, that list makes a lot of sense.

It’s wrong, because sad endings are awesome, but it’s understandable.

My rankings:

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars
  3. Rogue One
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Phantom Menace
  6. Last Jedi
  7. Force Awakens
  8. Attack of the Clones
  9. Revenge of the Sith

Though honestly, I disliked everything below #3. Haven’t seen Solo yet.

Perfect timing!

If have the skills and the means, find and watch the “anti cheese” fan edit the prequels. Wow, a huge difference and makes the movies much much better.

After watching these “anti cheese” edits I really like the prequels, but wow does the CGI suck. For me the CGI makes the movies visually rough.

Yeah some of the ‘obvious green screen is obvious’ versus the old style camera trickery for painted backgrounds of the OT aged more poorly.

Seriously there is very little effects wise that aged poorly in the OT. Sure you can see the tech limits if you know where to look, but the Battle of Hoth? That still looks great and was done using old school miniatures and camera framing.

I regret that I didn’t get Aukerman’s joke right away.

Cool to look at that list with the dates and see the effect of the Disney machine. Really cranking them out. Not sure if good or bad.

The obvious and only correct order is:

  1. New Hope
  2. Empire Strikes Back
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Rogue One
  5. Force Awakens
  6. Last Jedi
  7. Revenge of the SIth
  8. Attack of the Clones
  9. Phantom Menace

Rogue One and Force Awakens are pretty close. You can juggle the prequels however you like, as long as they end up at the bottom.

I haven’t seen Solo yet.

Yeah exactly. Did you see the responses in that tweet thread though? Masterclass.

Oh Hey. lists.

  1. A New Hope.
  2. Empire strike Back.
  3. The Last Jedi.
  4. Return Of The Jedi
  5. The Force Awakens.
  6. Rogue One
  7. Revenge of the Sith
  8. The Phantom Menace
  9. Attack of the Clones

Agree, but I’d flip 1 and 2 and also put The Last Ma-Rey Sue Floating Princess as 7, and Sith at 6.

The original Star Wars is called Star Wars.

And George Miller’s second movie is called Mad Max 2.

Lol’s all these wrong answers. The real order is…

  • Empire Strikes Back
  • New Hope
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Rogue One
  • Phantom Menace
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • Attack of the Clones
  • Force Awakens
  • Last Jedi for last place

Hopefully Solo comes in at Rogue One level or above.

I believe Road Warrior was called Mad Max 2 only outside the U.S.

This is actually, factually, totally correct. I just said “New Hope” because in a list like this, it seems less confusing.