Rom Coms worth a watch

Knight and Day (even though Carmen Diaz is capital U ugly.)

40 Year Old virgin (National Treasure featured)

Down By Law (Roberto Benigni when he was good. Also more of a bromantic comedy.)

Scott Pilgrim

Also, with some reservation, Pitch Perfect.

I came here to post Pitch Perfect. That movie is so much better than it needed to be. Love it.

Palm Springs, with Andy Samberg.

He’s stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day again and again.

He accidentally gets a lady involved in the time loop too, and the story is them getting to know each other, and getting out of the time sounds terrible but it was surprisingly well done and enjoyable.

Pitch Perfect is an amazing movie that I deeply love.

But I’d hesitate to call it a RomCom… sure there was an element of romance inside of it and the girl ends up with the guy, but it was pretty far from the central idea of the film.

Didn’t realize it was a romcom! I just thought it was just about a bunch of girls at a high school going to a singing contest?

hehe… Thanks, great timing there!

Yeah, I know, but I love it so much that I’ll bend the rules just to mention it.

Favorite Sci-Fi Horror? #1 - Alien. #2 - Pitch Perfect!


Thanks for recommending this, we watched it tonight and enjoyed it. What a sweetly earnest story of family love.

Oh, yeah! I remember liking that movie. That’s another one my mom shared with me. She’s a veritable rom-com aficionado.

I get a little endorphin kick when someone enjoys something I recommended, so thanks for letting me know!

Watched About Time over the weekend and liked it a lot. Very melancholy, though! Especially if you are in your 50’s and starting to look back at lost time. Pushed all of my emotional buttons.

On Amazon, we watched The Map of Tiny Perfect Things, and it’s a fun take on teen Groundhog Day:


I highly recommend Lars and the Real Girl. It could have been a real train wreck on a lot of different levels, but instead is one of the sweetest, kindest movies around. I still wouldn’t watch it with your kids though, unless you are ok with explaining what a real girl is. And if you don’t know, don’t google it from work.

Having just read Yearbook, I’ve been on a bit of a Seth Rogan binge. Last night, I watched Long Shot, with Seth opposite the breathtakingly beautiful (and refreshingly funny!) Charlize Theron.

It’s basically a “Roganized” version of Dave, but the two leads totally make it work. And key to any rom-com is the sidekick. All the supporting roles in this one are fun.

Wow, thanks. I’d somehow never heard of Long Shot before.

Great recommendation

So I was wanting something delightful to watch before bed and I dig up 27 Dresses. Katherine Heigl is a superb comedy actor, and she basically carried this. But she has since been in way too many stinker rom-coms. And then there is Judy Greer giving a performance that will forever type cast her as the sarcastic friend. Nevermind the anti-feminist “women always obsess over weddings” message, with only the male lead James Marsden taking a more critical view as a token.

The script is at least decent modern variant of Pride and Prejudice. Aline Brosh McKenna wrote this, and she co-wrote Cruella. Yeah nah, not going to see that in a million years. Anne Fletcher directed this, probably a career high?

At least this is more realistic than Long Shot, which like most Hollywood shtick always pair an average Joe with no particular standout quality in terms of personality, achievement or look, but somehow against all odds ends up with someone way beyond his league (the Harvey Weinstein delusion? Here’s a hint Hollywood: it generally doesn’t happen without coercion).

My observation is this happens more often, without coercion, than you imply here. Life is strange.

My personal experience is that it is unlikely. I’m talking about Rogan/Theron that kind of disparity. The only example I can think of is Macron marrying his high school teacher.