RRR: A title that is too short to search for

If it had an intermission I might change my mind. Such a good movie. I had to try 500 times to get my daughter to watch it as she hates long movies. She loved it.

I took a friend to see this last night in an otherwise empty theater. We’ve often taken each other to movies completely blind, but in retrospect maybe it was a little risky to take someone to a three-hour Indian movie without telling him anything about it ahead of time. But he loved it!

Finally got around to watching this.

One hour into the 3 hours, I was thinking “man, this is batshit insane, surely this is as good as it gets?” I was clearly wrong. This is one of those movies that just go from crazy to insane to past the point where it can easily be described.

What an amazing movie.

I paused it at one point, thinking I had to be at the climax of the film, and saw there was an hour forty left to go.

Oh, you mean the animal raid? Yeah that’s pretty great.

Still all in on the dance battle as the best part of the film

For all you loving this you should really go watch his other 2 part epic: Baahubal.

It’s a bit slower and has more dancing but man it is fun.


From #2
Archery Dance:

Rando scenes from #1:

And of course the best 1 min clip in action film history:

I saw these about a year before RRR and now everything he makes is a must watch. He is currently working on a Jungle Indiana Jones/James bond epic. Lot’s of tiger throwing I would assume. Can’t wait!

What is physics? Who cares.

Thanks - I’ll have to give that an evenin at some time.

I was in India when the second part came out. Let me tell you, that was an experience.