Ruin a game with just one letter

Funless Sea
The Fitness
Door Lickers

Sir, You Are Being Punted
Gone Hume
Dead Esther
The Craw

Dark Soils, along with the PC version, Dark Soils: Prepare to Dig Edition.

Math of Exile - Crunch the numbers to make it to endgame (kinda true)
Daft - your object is to build a raft to survive, but it keeps sinking
They Arm Billions - Keep making weapons until every zombie has one
Stranded Jeep - You were just out for a lovely ride. Now you must survive.

Doable Dragon

Rattan (an epic furniture quest)

Timex of Lore
Times of Lyre
Tomes of Lore
Fuck Hunt

Goodness. Well, I suppose it could have worse. It could have been a harrowing psychological examination of a marriage in crisis, studying the emasculation of the husband role, wherein even the family dog laughs and points at him. Then, terrifyingly, a shotgun enters the picture. Cuck Hunt.

I imagine this would be somewhat similar to Gone Home in space. Or Tacoma. Or maybe SOMA?

It’s about an aging blogger writing forlorn loveletters to the indifferent and ageless emptiness of space. Truly bleak piece of existentialist art.

You know… that sounds more interesting than it should. ;)

(in space nobody can see you sneer)

American Trunk Simulator - how much can you fit in your trunk

The Wanking Dead

Lol! that’s a great one :D

World of Wanks

American Fungitive - like Ace Ventura, pet detective, but for fungus

House of the Dying Nun - This old lady’s home needs looting.


Stare Citizen: A visually stunning VR BR! Can you hold out and be the last one to blink?

Sass Effect: You better look elsewhere boy, this armor aint comin’ off for you tonight!
