Rush Limbaugh has assumed ambient temperature.

This sums it up nicely.

I was just about to post that, when I decided to read the rest of the replies first.

I like the sentiment, even if I am truly honest this isn’t completely true.

“All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” - Clarence Darrow

I weep for the poor cancer now dying of hunger.

Quote from Rush Limbaugh:

Smokers aren’t killing anybody.

the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs.

I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled.

Limbaugh said.

I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.

Source Here

He got a medal alright.

@triggercut I am nominating this for best thread title of 2021.

He did get a medal for cigar smoking - two lungs that resembled month-old banana peels.

Good. My strongest memory of this shit bag comes from almost 30 years ago, when he had some afternoon TV talk show. Rodney King had recently had his head caved in by the police and Limbaugh’s response was to dedicated an entire episode to justify the beating while replaying the beating over and over (it was on a loop and never left the screen), and pointing out all the little moments where Rodney King asked for it.

I know he’s come a long way since then, but I wasn’t along for that ride and don’t know much more about him than the headlines he made. I hope this is the last headline I ever see about him.

Well, until Armando does his thing.

Every headline you read about an older white dude shooting up a post office or a racist politician getting elected is a headline about Rush Limbaugh’s influence.

That’s perfect. Should be the headline at the Wash Post and every other mainstream paper.



As a big fan of The Philadelphia Story “The time to make up your mind about people, is never.” While people are still alive, there is always an opportunity for redemption, IMHO. He never did, in my book, but I’d have been happier if he had redeemed himself before dying and take no joy in that failure. Goodbye, Rush Limbaugh.

Maybe he’ll get another shot at redemption somewhere. I remember Benny in Niven/Pournelle’s Inferno (fun SF novel about a dead SF novelist trying to escape Dante’s Inferno). IMHO, by Dante’s mythos, Limbaugh’s solidly frozen in the Ninth Circle off Hell right now.

I can’t say that I will celebrate his death, but the world is better off for it.

He is to blame for much of where politics are today. He relished in partisanship. He made hatred acceptable.
Good riddance.

Oh, he’s dead. By the thread title I assumed something had warmed his heart.