Rush Limbaugh has assumed ambient temperature.

I remember he was booed at some event and seemed… surprised by that.



I second that motion.

Rest in piss you racist misogynistic piece of human trash.

@triggercut tricked us into liking something about Rush.

I’d be surprised if that is… medical speak.

I honestly had no idea it was a Limbaugh thing. I have seen it used elsewhere to describe the deaths of persons you might be less likely to wish resting in peace to. :)

I was content to say nothing about this, but then I saw the clip of him mocking Michael J Fox so fuck this guy in particular, but as Paul F. Thompkins said

“At least he lived long enough to get cancer and die.”

(At least, I was sure he was the one that posted that on Twitter, but I don’t see it now so maybe he deleted it. Also, in case anyone somehow missed one of Netflix’s best shows, he voices the yellow dog in that picture, I thought it would be funny to make his quote sound like Mr. Peanutbutter was saying it!)

I third. Amazing thread title. You certainly can’t say RIP, not where he is right now.

Crazy coincidence!

There are only coincidences, not crazy coincidences and everyday coincidences!


I’ll laugh at his death. Fuck that guy.

This is my most popular tweet response ever. I have like 1 follower lol, but this resonated with quite a few. It’s response to both her and Kayleigh McKKK

Hey, you’re up to nine now! :)

Of course.

Long thread on the emergence of Limbaugh made possible by ABC, Roone Arledge and the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine.

And a thread with links to more Rush and his hate.

Rush Limbaugh, known for his right-wing Radio show and for Leukemia and lymphoma telethon charity project.

If nothing else was true of Rush’s shittiness, this would still put him in the “fuck that guy” territory:

Rush Limbaugh was an uneducated douche. People acted like he was some kind of important mental giant, but he didn’t know anything about anything. This was part of what led to the right wing abandoning expertise in general… They went from highly educated people like Buckley, to dickheads who failed out of college, and who wanted everything to think that their lack of education didn’t matter.

He was basically a dumber version of Howard Stern, who wore a tie.

Indeed, even typing that, it’s totally wrong, because Stern is actually an amazing interviewer, and Limbaugh had no such qualities.