Safe, secure, fast, nice looking e-mail client for viewing default e-mail?

Right now I use my browser to get my mail. This is slow, and is battered by ads my Internet provider wants me to see, and is pretty depressing since it shows so much news (no I don’t want to see trump’s face every time I need to look at my mail).

I’d prefer to not download my mail to an off-line database so I can still look at it from multiple places. Gmail is ugly and reminds me of working on databases heh. Is there an option out there that fits these options? It would be for my PC.


I was using Postbox which is based on Thunderbird. I have switched to using Outlook for my personal emails since I am used to it from work. I had a weird problem in Postbox where it would not allow me to type capitals and the support could not find a fix though they did try.

You could take a look at The Bat another stand alone email client.

Have you tried using Inbox instead? And running ad blocker stops the ads, like uBlock Origin.

I’m also a Postbox user and like it a lot. No issues for me and I have it hooked up to 4 accounts.

Why not just use the default Windows email client with Gmail’s IMAP setting? Granted Windows 10 email client isn’t the best, but its ad free and as long as you set it up to use IMAP you can still get your mail on multiple devices.

+1 to this. And I have to admit that Windows 10 email client is nice looking as well. It is also useful that the default Calendar app will also connect to Gmail once it is set up.

I use Thunderbird. It’s free and it works fine. I use it for four different adresses.

What’s the difference between Thunderbird and Postbox?

Postbox is supported; I think Thunderbird is no longer updated IIRC.

I do miss Eudora.

Here are your options that I have bought/installed and tried:

Postbox ($)
Mailbird (free and $)
Mail (Windows 10’s built-in)

I am very happy with Thunderbird. It is divorcing sort-of from Mozilla apparently, but it seems that development is continuing.

I’ve used Thunderbird, Mailbird and Postbox. They’re all OK.
Aesthetically and feature wise, I would prefer Postbox but it’s sluggish, even on a super nuts SSD high RAM system.

Mailbird is the client that sticks. I bought the lifetime license a year or two back and don’t regret it.

Holy cats, Forte Agent is still kicking around. Wonder if it’s still good, bet it is. LOVED it back in the day before I moved to gmail.

Great find! I love it as a Usenet reader but I don’t think I’ve used it as an email.

News xpress looked slicker than forte

Based on the screenshots on their website, Forte hasn’t updated Agent’s UI design a bit since it’s first release in the early 90s. So yeah, function over form for sure.


yeah, archaic indeed. And usenet seemed to be now a source of movies/tv downloads now? Sad to see what it has become.

In Microsoft Mail for Win10 - Am I blind or is there no way to change the reading pane from the left/right side of the window to a top/bottom orientation?

I don’t have it set up here, but a quick search yielded: You can’t turn off the reading pane, move the reading pane, or open the message in a new window..

You can move the reading pane in Outlook, however.

Is Outlook free or part of the Office package? I guess they want to push people to touch screens hence the lack of options for adjusting the window pane. Darn.