Sarah Palin

He’s doing the Pledge of Allegiance?

Whether it’s true or not, this is a inappropriate and ultimately fruitless line of questioning/attack. The close up pictures and analysis of her teenage daughter trying to see if she has a baby belly or a beer gut? Ugh. The left wing bloggers need to leave it alone and find something worthwhile to attack on. There’s plenty of that.

Laura Roslin for VP! Oh, and an aged Starbuck for First Lady!

He’s clutching his chest like he’s having a heart attack.

oh, there is no “like” about it. he’s just passing through one of the many small ones ;)

Yes, he is. Everyone else just hates America. Hell, Mitt Romney is in the back there laughing. And Palin is heling Hitler!

Mitt isn’t laughing nearly as much as Cindy.

She must have just seen that interview where he calls Palin his partner and soulmate.

Isn’t McCain pretty strictly pro-life? I think that’s the one position he’s taken that conservatives have always approved of.

Notice how daughter Willow there is a dead ringer for Alyson Hannigan?? How did they pull that one off?? SPOOKY

I know. I simply forgot the <saracasm> </sarcasm> tag.

Isn’t there a bit of “good for the goose, good for the gander” going on here? People certainly didn’t let up on the Edwards story, even when he wasn’t a candidate anymore.

I looked it up and it turns out you’re right. Here’s an NPR article that touches on the apparently common misconception that McCain is weak on pro-life issues.

What the hell is with that pink rubber glove she’s wearing on her hand? And where’s the other hand???

It looks like McCain is having a 72 year old’s orgasm.

Re Babygate
Is it legal to misrepresent maternity?

That is a softcast from the “vigorous handshaking accident” she had at a rally a week or two ago.

From Crooks and Liars:

On August 10, Karl Rove went on “Face The Nation” to argue that Senator Obama would make an “intensely political choice” for Vice President without regard for the “responsibilities of president.” At the time, Rove believed Obama would choose Tim Kaine, and argued against him by saying this:

With all due respect again to Governor Kaine, he’s been a governor for three years, he’s been able but undistinguished. I don’t think people could really name a big, important thing that he’s done. He was mayor of the 105th largest city in America. And again, with all due respect to Richmond, Virginia, it’s smaller than Chula Vista, California; Aurora, Colorado; Mesa or Gilbert, Arizona; north Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada. It’s not a big town. So if he were to pick Governor Kaine, it would be an intensely political choice where he said, `You know what? I’m really not, first and foremost, concerned with, is this person capable of being president of the United States?

(emphasis by Crooks & Liars)

She should take some painkillers for that…

Absolutely agreed. Let’s assume for the moment that the story is 100% true. Best case scenario, you just exposed a mother who risked her entire career (such as it is) to protect her daughter and granddaughter from public shame and humiliation. Liberals - do not go there.

If true, how is this not worthwhile? This would be huge. To premeditate, organize and perpetuate such a lie and deception is outrageous. Further, to do it to cover up a teenager daughter’s pregnancy is even worse.

Again, if true, this would tell us this person has no qualms lieing and deceiving the public for their own benefit and therefore is absolutely and completely untrustworthy as an elected official. Also it shows us where her priorities lie - that having a pregnant daughter is worse than colossal lies to the public which you are sworn to serve. Some family values.