Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

U.S. administration officials told the publication that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was in a July meeting with State Department Under Secretary Tom Shannon when he presented U.S. officials with a deal that would prohibit both governments from meddling in each other’s elections.

“We said ‘thank you very much but now is not the time for this,’ ” a senior State Department official told the publication.

Such an agreement with Russia is absurd anyway.

Track Changes!

But are you sure it’s the same Paul Manafort?

Laugh, it was just what I expected. What kind of libertarian would I be if I were not incredibly cynical about government and politicians?

People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?


Self-proclaimed libertarians = embarrassed Republicans.

Given your support for authoritarian policies these days, I’d say you are no libertarian at all.

Trump is the one rolling back the administrative state, Trump is the one cutting taxes and regulations. What exactly do you think are his “authoritarian” policies? Real policies, not an answer that has anything to do with tweets.

How’s this? As a Libertarian this should be a total disqualifier I would think.

And this

How about this?

Excellent points all, but none compare to fundamental goals of reducing taxes and the size of government. No one in politics is on my side (Rand Paul would be the closest), and there are bitter pills I have to swallow with everyone.

Lol ok, so you’re not actually a Libertarian. You’re just a republican.

The correct term these days is a pedophilephile.

An embarrassed one. One that doesn’t believe in holding govt accountable, because when I spoke about the sexual awareness training pushed by Obama’s people for DoD and the stats on the overseas/deployment rapes, his response was, “Gosh, you sound like someone who hates the military.” The irony of course being I’ve served and he hasn’t.

Rand Paul is a anti-vax moron, btw.

He’s a doctor and he’s anti-vax? Craziness. I guess it’s the idea that the government can mandate vaccine shots for the general good he’s against? Or does he really think vaccines are dangerous?

Never underestimate Rand Paul’s capacity for stupidity

Partially, but mostly he’s just a fucking pandering moron.

This should be cause for losing your degree/medical license/whatever.

Didn’t he pretty much already have that happen, and is now associated with some group he himself started?

The right-wing war on special counsel Robert Mueller continues to escalate, as more Republicans are following the lead of Fox News and suggesting that Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign be terminated.

And on Friday, two of the loudest opponents of Mueller were invited onto Air Force One to spend time with Donald Trump.

Funny how crooks always want to be rid of the law.