Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

Thats the one!

Go fuck yourselves, you craven little shits.

Remember when Susan Sarandon said that it was better for Trump to be elected than Clinton?

It will be good when she is dead.

Too little, too late. I look forward to her being dead, and shitting on her grave.

Now now, Kevin. This is a family forum. Go wash your mouth out. >:)

He really is bad at standing. It’s weird.

Living in SW Ohio and checking local media on FB, his supporters are cheering today’s performance art on. Why? Because the conspiracy is that Trump’s enemies want tension between the two countries for their own political benefit and this great man is trying to make friends and create peace. Just like he did with N Korea.

Oh good Lord. How do I live in the same continuum of space-time with people who think that way.

In North Korea he just accomplished nothing. In Helsinki he committed high treason.

That’s what I said today at work. . .when did Americans become so fucking stupid?

Indeed, I honestly can’t grasp the distinction between saying Trump is a Russian agent because they pay him and saying Trump is a Russian agent because they’re threatening to expose that they pay him.

(That story and quote given to the notoriously liberal Wall Street Journal…)

In defense of Neville Chamberlain, he at least got a deal he honestly thought at the time was a) substantial, and b) of value to his country as a who;e.

He may have been naive about that, even idiotic. But at least he wasn’t a fucking traitor.

So perhaps we should just admit what our own eyes cannot deny: We have now witnessed the very worst humiliations of a president of the United States ever, and one of the lowest points in the history of the American presidency.