Secret Santa 2020 Speed Edition


I am become geek, recorder of voice!

OMG again thank you so much @MichaelD , yeah the house elf (only during Christmas) is my soon to be 85 year old mother, who always brings in the packages and checks them to make sure of no damage, when I am at work.

The legos just happened to arrive the same day as socks that a family member sent me. I had been complaining I needed a good sock for my snow boots, because I hate when they slide down into the boot as you are working outside. But that was back in January when I had talked about it, and how someone remembers what to gift a person almost a year later is crazy!

So then these boxes arrive and neither included any info as to who they were from so I just assumed both were from my secret santa, and they somehow knew I needed socks size 12-15, lol.

@lordkosc Did you figure out the Yoda-speak?

What a perfect setup!

I’m genuinely pleased as punch. Running the last 2020 meeting for my StS! RPG project in a couple of hours, and lord I’m so glad to have full visibility of all my monitors back + the mic lifted up and away from my kb+mouse.

Now, just need a bigger desk. . .

Nope! D:

@ArmandoPenblade any pics of the new chair?

Not with us yet…fingers remain crossed for next month.

Dammit. Foiled :-)

Yay! That’s a fantastic setup.

I have the week off. Every morning I tell myself I am going to do something super productive, and then I don’t do it. Heh, hopefully this won’t rinse and repeat each day.

I’m on it. 4 games, 3 of them physical, and you’re saying there’s more? Madness!

My bad! Fixed now.

Yes, tho not technically for you :) - thanks @fire

I get it now. I’ll sit down with mom when she is functional and help her pick something out. I feel like the little start things they have would be nice, over the various jars she keeps throwing them in now, but we’ll see what she wants :-).

Awesome, enjoy!

So it took the postal services a while, but today the final missing package from my (still secret) Santa has arrived! Three awesome film posters of the original three Indiana Jones movies, which is a very appropriate gift, me being an archaeologist myself. I absolutely love these (I also appreciate that the fourth movie, which in my opinion should never have been made, wasn’t included ;-) ) and will find a prominent spot for them in my office space. Thanks yet again Santa, great stalking and superb gift choices!


Looking into it.

Thank you so much for “operation thx fire.” What a thoughtful and unexpected thing for you all to do.

One more thing about the Homeless Garden Project: I remember riding the bus from college into town once, when a woman sat beside me with a container of coffee-smelling dirt. I asked her about it, and she said she was bringing compost to the Homeless Garden because it was her turn to do so. After that, I saw her on the bus every few weeks, always with her bucket of poop. She would nod at me meaningfully and I would return her nod. It’s like being in a secret poop club.

Additionally, you all gifted these things:

Quail Ridge Books gift card: One of Clay’s favorite small businesses in Raleigh, NC is Quail Ridge Books. As someone touched by late Soviet history, I value access to free expression, which this independent bookstore lists as one of its core values: “We believe it is in the best interest of our community and our democratic society for ideas of all kinds to be available to interested individuals, regardless of what our own tastes may be.” I’m excited to support this business.

Curious Cargo: When reading the rules, I said, “So it’s like Carcasonne with the tile placement,” and my kid said, “no, it’s like Labyrinth,” and I said, “yeah, but with resource management,” and he said, “so like Archipelago,” and I said, “nerd.” We are both looking forward to playing it together. Know how to determine starting player? Last one to ride in a truck goes first. He has never ridden in a truck.

Cartographers: Looks like a fun little game, for 1 player (e.g., me) and up (e.g., my kid and his friends in the garage, far from me), with a simpler rule set than Curious Cargo. Looks like @Nesrie got a copy of it, too. Know who goes first? Everyone goes. So egalitarian.

Rubber Chicken: Ok, folks, what’s up with the chicken? I put this chicken (“Hei Hei”) on the chicken shelf next to last year’s Secret Santa chicken. They both make noise when squeezed. My kid has a little finger chicken which lives there, too. If this keeps up, you’re gonna need a bigger chicken shelf.

Thanks again, everyone. Secret Santa is my favorite time of year on QT3, and you each made it particularly special this year.

I did. Now I just needs some semblence of safety to enjoy these news games. I feel like there is an opening in the tunnel ahead though!

Now that’s a hint for next year if I ever heard one.

Of course that could be a hint, too…