Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (topic now 200% easier to find)

This is a video which is a spoiler unless you have already been to the top of Ashina Castle.

Here’s my experience with the same video as above

Just as a counterpoint – and I really enjoyed Jm’s stream tonight …but … he died a lot. And by a lot I don’t mean a little lot. But I will say this : He worked it pretty hard. And on some bosses, as he was getting killed, I thought : “totally unfair”.

But gosh he died a lot.

I just walked up and made him my bitch.

I beat on his ass mercilessly, he tried to stab me, Mikiri his ass, beat him some more, a few blocks a couple jumps and next thing I know he’s getting stabbed in the head.

I did pop a damage sugar before the fight, but I don’t think it did much.

I sure as hell hope so. I never stopped hating that fucking bow though.

From what I gather it stops all NPC story progression, so… probably after a boss you’ve been having issues with? The items to cure it aren’t super rare so far, but the vendors with it might also not show up/get it if they’re Dragonrotted for all I know.

Wait that’s your strat for Headless? I should’ve been more clear, hah.


There’s also a lot of crazy shit happening where I’m not sure if I’m missing cool things. It’s probably going to take multiple playthroughs.

Mostly just pop my Confetti and swing like a crazy person. When he vanishes immediately swing behind you since he’ll be there.

Basically hit hard and fast and then run away while he slowly winds up his attacks seemed to work. I didn’t try to parry much since Terror was an issue and the timing is so strange anyway.

Now I’m in some place and ran into monkeys or something so I decided I didn’t have time for whatever nonsense that’s sure to be, so I took a break.
Plus those jumping dudes with the spinning weapons are hot garbage.

this is good I suppose? I found all the souls games to be pretty long games (which is good)

This makes me very happy.

I have climbed the tower and faced down what was waiting for me there, and I feel unstoppable at the moment. If Butterfly was the midterm, then this fight was the final exam (of the first semester!). It tested you on everything, and if you weren’t relentless in your attacks you weren’t going to make it through.

As for phase 2 as much as I wanted to throw that lightning back at him, I didn’t mess with the counter, whenever I saw it coming, I just step dodged furiously until I was behind him, and then continued my onslaught. He only managed to throw lightning like three times. If you’re aggressive enough, and this applies to phase 1 as well, you can land a hit right before he jumps in the air, and that’ll prevent him from doing the stomp etc.

Game feels so open now, and after so many boss fights, I’m going to take my time and explore.

I decided to play a bit before work and I reached the final boss. This is going to take some time. The challenge awaits this evening!

What’s your time played? Wondering how much I have left.

37 hours

I decided to look up whether I’ve missed any optional bosses. (I had partially spoiled a couple other ones.) I have one left in a very obscure location. You can access it before the final boss.

For those anxious how the endgame works, not really a spoiler

After the final boss you can choose to go straight to NG+ or do it later from a bonfire. Hurray, that means this is a good FromSoft game because it doesn’t dump you straight to NG+ after the final boss!

If you decide to wait, you can wander around and kill the optional stuff you missed. I don’t think there’s anything cut off at that point, but I can’t be sure and Google is no help.

Despite this I think I’ll do some optional stuff now and save the final boss for later. Did I mention the game is too damn long? Hah!

It’ll probably take me double that. I’m at 27 and just got to the next major part of the game. You’re much better at boss fights!

Hell, I’ve put in about 20 hours and haven’t even made it to Butterfly yet.

I still haven’t beaten Genchiro, but I’ve gone back and I’m gonna try to take him down. Same goes for the spear dude.

I did skip past him though, and fought my way through the whole monastery. Seems like a dead end, although I found a place where it connects up to the headless dude. I noped the hell out of there when I found that path though.

I’m not sure where else I’m gonna be able to explore after defeating Genchiro.

When you say Monastery are you referring to Senpou Temple?

Ya, that’s the place

There’s another major path you must’ve missed. You can see it in the distance!

Also stop throwing around proper nouns. Give people some time to play it.

I don’t quite understand the idol placement sometimes. I found another 6ish without a lot of fighting in between. Not sure what is going on there. Probably missing paths…

Also, the battle with Genichiro is awesome. I keep dying, but it is such an epic struggle. Love it…