Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Matriarch

Title Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Matriarch
Author Tom Chick and Jay Gittings
Posted in Game diaries
When April 16, 2014

Tom: This week's villain is The Matriach, who rules over a bunch of crows. This week's random die roll situates us in the Wagner Mars Base. Here we are, fighting birds on Mars. You can't make this stuff up..

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Haka's also really useful in this fight for his Savage Mana card, which could potentially lock away the Matriarch's entire flock indefinitely.

We got around her retaliation for disposing of the one major flocking we had in our tussle with her by tanking the entirety of it with Legacy set to psychic damage immunity. A Carrion Fields would have put a kink in our plans but fortunately the deed was done with Ex-Patriette's submachine gun loaded with liquid nitrogen bullets, freezing every bird before they could react.

The Matriarch is quite the puzzle. There are a bunch of ways to solve the problem of retaliation damage, but if you can't, it will be a short game for sure.

Nice combo with the frozen submachine gun. I never got Haka going in the games I played. He was third in the rotation and normally, I had another way to deal with the birds before I got to his turn. His savage mana also has the nasty trick of destroying the cards underneath it a second time when he tosses them out at his intended target. You have to be ready to deal with her retaliation that second time.

Finally, next week you'll be playing my favorite Supervillain of the bunch! Her cards are hilarious!

So what are the best expansions to get?

Into the Stratosphere was able to affect the indestructible ravens because they weren't accustomed to the weaker Mars gravity.

"more talented cousin, Meredith ."
"Meredith [became] Tachyon"
It looks like instances of "Muginn" need to be replaced with "Muninn"

Our first game against The Matriarch had Haka, and we had an easy time of it. We only realized what a nightmare she can be when you don't have SS/TL Tachyon, any Legacy or Haka.