Shadow Empire - Mad Max meets Operation Barbarossa

I’m almost positive the coupons do not apply to sale prices, although I can’t find any confirmation of that anywhere.

Oh ok. Well I doubt the sale price will match the coupon. I’ll wait for it to come out on Steam so I can give it a try and I can always refund it if I find it doesn’t suit me.

Matrix anniversary coupons stack on Christmas sale discounts.

Wow, that’s cool.

The game is on sale on the Matrix Holiday for 20% off. I had hoped for more but I guess it hasn’t been out that long. It’ll be out on Steam in a few days so I’ll buy it and play it and if I get into it then I’ll refund it and purchase it through Matrix using my discount code.

I mean you’ll end up getting it for what, like $17? That’s a pretty good deal.

Not sure two hours is enough time to get into it. It’s pretty complex and I’ll freely admit I struggled early on. The mechanics are quite obscure. It does have a charm that is difficult to put one’s finger on. However I admit I gave up and moved on to other games, partly because being a dad with a job promotes games with a lower barrier to entry, and partly because it seemed patches were continuously changing the mechanics without much documentation. Now that it’s coming to steam and probably has a more mature base of mechanics I may give it another chance. Some folks smarter than I am on this board really seemed to enjoy it.

I enjoyed it so much for about three dozen hours. I stopped only because there were such big changes in beta and I had a few other games to dig into. I’ll definitely jump back into this sometimes in December. I expect it will be like the great 4X or Grand Strategy games - after a first few months of heavy play, do a dozen hours or so randomly for years to follow.

i’m the same. keeping an eye on it, waiting for the steam release dec 3 with the new ‘airforces’ patch. he’s working on naval also, i believe

I’ll probably cave and get this when my anniversary coupon arrives in about a week. It should be 50% off along with the 20% sale. I certainly don’t need any more games, but when has that ever stopped me in the past?! And 70% off is just too good to pass up for what sounds like a great game.

I’m waiting for the patch this week to check it out again. I tried it a bit at launch but it was pretty rough.

Yeah, I gave it a shot a couple of months ago, got really interested but had no idea what I was doing. I’m looking forward to giving it another shot with the patch and Steam release.

Heh, like many others here, I spent a lot of time with this after release. I really enjoyed it. In some ways I think it’s really brilliant. Like others here, I took a break while the dev kept adding patches and new features, and I resolved to return once development has settled down. I really do want to fire it up again soon. There’s nothing quite like it.

That said, it’s got a steep learning curve. I didn’t really “grok” it until about 5-10 hours in.

Paradox laughs at your “steep learning curve”.

Anyway, got the game on a loyalty voucher and am looking forward to getting stuck in after the next patch or so.

It does sound like an unique title - like Armageddon Empires on steroids.

lol, yep, I actually don’t think it’s all THAT steep a learning curve. The UI is a bit clunky, and there are many buttons and menus, but conceptually the game is not that difficult.

1.06 patch is up on Matrix now.

Patch Notes is rather large…

Big things: Air Units (new techs, new units, new missions, new council, Air OHQs), New Alien Fauna (new types, new attributes and behaviours, reproduction)

Medium Things: Fast/Slow AI toggle for quick turns or intense AI; “Easy Logistics” option;

In general I think recent PDX games are much easier on the learning curve that Matrix/Slitherine games. That probably has a lot to do with having a mature/pretty engine on the PDX side, that is designed around not using a manual. For most Matrix games you’re in serious trouble if you skip the manual.

Steam keys are available, but game is still locked for 6 hours.

Oh sweet, that was relatively painless, once I managed to log into the Matrix/Slitherine store.

Now is a good time to jump in really with the Steam sale. The game has had a ton of bug fixes and updates, with lots of new shiny stuff like planes and new graphic icons as well.