Shooters Both Vertical and Sidescrolling (but NOT first-person or cover) - aka SHMUPs (or STGs I guess)

How’s the input delay on it? Did you noticed anything? I found lots of Switch shumps feel slightly laggy.

You need to upgrade your brain with the latest cyberpunk implant to play it correctly.
If it wasn’t clear, I suck at shmups, so I’m likely the worst party to ask this XD

I’m really digging Mushihimesama. As someone terrible at shmups, but who always wanted to understand how people played them, I’ve gotten far enough into various modes here (Novice Original, Novice Maniac, Arcade Original, and Arcade Maniac) to start to learn what the game is asking of me in each case. I want to try to 1CC Novice Maniac, and then maybe Arcade Maniac if I’m still interested.

Yeah, Mushihimesama is extremely cool. I need to play the Switch port more, since I didn’t have the Xbox 360 version and haven’t played Arrange (which seems to be different from the arrange mode in the PS2 version) or 1.5 as a result.

I hope these Switch ports do well enough that they bring over some of the other Xbox 360 Cave releases. It would be fantastic to have Mushihimesama Futari on there, as well as some of the weirder stuff like Muchi Muchi Pork! and Akai Katana.

I enjoyed Mushi enough that I’m strongly considering buying it again on Switch. In fact, one of my old posts about it mentions how much I liked picking up a gamepad to play it casually. That was a big eye-opener for me when Crimzon Clover came out on Switch.

You should try that one next, by the way.

I actually did pick up Crimzon Clover on Switch last year, and enjoyed it a lot! It was a great co-op couch game for me and my 5-year-old (at least the first three stages.) For some reason, it didn’t hook me in the same way that Mushi has, though that probably has more to do with my learning more about the genre in the mean time. I’ll definitely give it another go after my self-imposed period of Mushi exclusivity :)

Hmm, now that I - uh, I mean my son owns a Switch, maybe we should look into these Cave shooters. I’ve never been all that great at bullet hell games but I do enjoy dinking around with them. Now that I think about it, seems like it should be child’s play (ha) to get the Switch into tate mode, just flip the thing on its side. Do vertical shooters support that option?

Just like pinball games, most of them do. Mushihimesama sure does.

You might not have seen this: Flip Grip - Fangamer. They’re out of stock at the moment.

I have one but I always play Switch docked anyway.

I prefer to remove the joycons and play with the pro controller myself, when not docked with some oversized joystick extravaganza

I picked up Judgement Sil…er, JUDGEMENT SILVERSWORD - Resurrection from the Steam sale.

Couple of old portable shooters from twenty years ago. I experienced a huge amount of slowdown playing them, which I can only assume is authentic! The Cardinal Sins game, despite not getting top (or any) billing is potentially the one I’ll spend the most time with. Each stage corresponds to a deadly sin and gives you a different objective (my favorite one is “don’t die,” which I failed to abide by). How did I do?

D+++, the same grade I used to get in Handwriting!

This went from “is this a BOBBER” to “oh, cute”, and now “uh, what the hell is that thing” in a very short amount of time here.

I grabbed and tried Super Galaxy Squadron EX.

Short take: it kinda sucks.

Longer take:

I’m pretty bad at shmups, I am half alseep right now, and I managed to reach level 6 without losing a life, although that concept is a bit tricky in this one.
The game is cute. But its levels are way too long, the enemies behave all the same, the same evade pattern applies all the time.
The threat is so low on Veteran that I sometimes was forgetting to press the shot button, as I was - literally - dozing off.

The game is disserviced by a really bad soundtrack and very poor arrangements, as well as lackluster voice overs read by some friends I gather. Some of them were unskippable. Ugh.

Were it a prototype, I would have been much more in the mood to forgive the many issues I experienced in my short time spent with the game. As a game being sold, I don’t recommend it.

After Nova 2001, Uchusenkan Gomorra is this week’s ACA too.
UPL goodness ^-^

Awesome virtual friend of mine pushing a crazy 3h30 credit on Nova 2001 a few days ago.

She got a message from the developer himself congratulating her as a reward. It’s rare I’m so jealous!

Does anyone know if this faux-anime cartoony style “Flying Tigers” shmup for Amico exists for Steam or Switch and if so, who the developer is?

After being somewhat disappointed by Raiden 5 last year (besides the lack of docked tate mode, the visibility of the enemy shots was quite poor), I grabbed Raiden 4, and oh my, what an old school shooting game!
It’s as brutal, simple and violent as the early games, if you stick to arcade mode.
For the people who somehow arent distracted to their deaths regularly by the enticing bonuses in the regular mode, there is an overkill mode which introduces a very funny scoring mechanics, by which you gain super duper extra points by trying to max an overkill gauge on some enemies’ carcasses. It’s absolutely devilish.
I didn’t expect the game to be so true to its root. You are shot on the spot if you stop or hesitate in your move for half a second, just like in the two first games. Brilliant.
Might be more of your thing than all those manic/scoring focused so-called shmups, @Rock8man.

I’ll go on: the graphics are pretty good when you play, but there is a funny gallery you unlock as you destroy enemies that reveal they are all low poly early 2ks sort of efforts. That gallery allows you to examine the boss animations and transformations, though, and I have been drooling over the details of those.
Ah, there are also multiple soundtrack, the game starting with some upbeat techno one I didnt like. I was glad, changing back to the “original” soundtrack it was classical synthrock of old.

I think I might own Raiden 4 already? I’ll have to check. I always get super-excited about finally getting into this genre, only to discover: oh right, I suck at it, what was I thinking?

Even the ones I love, like Sky Force Reloaded, I hit a difficulty wall eventually.

Practices makes really perfect. After years of sucking at them, after sticking and sticking and sticking to them (and getting a joystick for my hand’s comfort too, I guess), I can’t 1cc any, but I can get to the final level of some of the easier ones, or 3rd or 4th level of most.
It’s a mix of muscle memory (some moves are common amongst shooting games), plain memory (for the patterns and, of course, some naughty traps), and discipline (to not fall for the bait: those level designers put shinies at those spots usually for one reason).
Another very important thing is learning how the game works - read the manual! excepting manuals were very lacking back in the day, when they actually existed. Now with the internet, you got plenty of helpful individuals detailing the hidden and not so hidden mechanics of one game, and understanding them is quite literally vital. Some games require you to be a living god, that’s true (Raiden 4 seems to reside in that category :O), but most of the Japanese ones focuses either on a special or bomb move that gives you momentary invulnerability and should be used at some specific spot, a bunch of others require you to score very high so you get extra lives and lose some on purpose to make the game manageable.

Edit : I should also point it is the Mikado edition of Raiden 4 which I picked. If memory serves right, there had been quite lackluster PC ports years ago.

Here’s a unique horizontal car-based shmup with a story mode: