Should baby boys be circumcised?

Nobody is going to be taking a sharp object to my son, should I have one.

Dr. Wang? (I call April Fools Day Shenannigans!)

Dr. Wang has a perky, conversational bedside manner that puts everyone at ease.

I’ll bet he does!

Dr Wang is the expert they got huh?

To continue:

Dr. Wang smiles. He’s familiar with the befuddled expression on Larry’s face.

Oh I bet he is.

Ok I far enough through it to realize the intent. :P

Been done, move on.

The circumcision doctor is named Dr. Wang?

Anyway, I’m agin’ it. They can get it done later on if they really want to.

Edit: so I guess I’m not the only one to pick up on this.

I don’t think this is a joke article.

We had our daughter circumcised.

Maybe not. Next time they do a story on circumcision they should not start with Dr Wang and Dr Johnson.

And if the actual Dr. names, not publish it on April 1. Just sayin’

Or they could get that well-known mohel, Rabbi Schmeckle.


Of the less traumatic variety I mean.

We had our son circumcised a few days after birth. He’s 3 weeks old.

Foreskin = useless. And arguably harmful, another creepy dank place in your body for bacteria and pathogens to hang out and multiply.

This is not true.

I wish we had circumcised our son. I won’t go into details.

Who are you to decide “hey, my son has a bodypart he doesn’t need, let’s cut it off!”?

Are you going to cut off his nipples because they don’t give milk?

Decisions like that should be made by the potential patient himself. You’ve robbed him of that decision now. I’m glad this whole circumcising babies thing isn’t common in Europe. I’d be mighty pissed at my parents if they had that done to me as a baby. I’m not a Doberman, don’t cut off anything from my body!

Hey, uh, while we’re at it, how bout we don’t cut anything off the Dobermans either?

… about says it all.

although I am glad my parents gave the thumbs up on me getting the chop.

There are three reasons I went with circumcision for our 3 week old son:

  1. It makes your cock look awesome. See: porn.

  2. It has no real utility / function.

  3. There is a chance, however small, that bacteria & pathogens can hide in there and cause problems.

And to any europeans reading this: I’m sorry your cocks don’t look awesome.

Sorry I put it this bluntly, but your son has more bacteria in his mouth than on his cock.

And my wife likes mine just fine :) I hope. Anyway, she has to eat what’s on the table :)

Did any guy here ever get into a woman’s bed, only to be thrown out because “ewwwww, you have a foreskin!!!”?

So you’re saying you don’t want your cock to look awesome? :)

Although our (very, VERY nice) pediatrician went out of his way during the circumcision process to explain that the penis only LOOKS small at this age. I was like… uh… thanks for the info? There must be a lot of fathers who are obsessed with peen size. For me, as long has the baby is alive, I’m winning.