Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

I have a globe from 1976 that doesn’t work for this chart because the Sinai is still part of Egypt on it.

I also learned there’s a nation called Micronesia.

I assume it’s more showing the contrast, that Beleriand was the place where stuff happened during the First Age in Middle-earth while already destroyed and almost completely submerged under the ocean during the Second Age.

Thank you. I thought it looked like Randall’s work but couldn’t believe I’d somehow missed it as an avid XKCD reader. Must have slipped past me somehow!

That XKCD chart is used frequently on Reddit in various subreddits to help people who post old maps or pictures of globes and who want to know when they were printed. That chart is both fun to use AND useful!

(number of yemens) + (number of germanys) will never not be hilarious to me


It may be time for an updated version.

I can hear that pic.

Now, that’s an omelet I can endorse! Though it does bring up now-unfortunate memories of a certain Bill Cosby routine.

Truth in advertising at least.

Probably not bad for a 1 pound sandwich.

I recognise one of those…

Lets see…
<don’t know>, Bugs Bunny, Mash, <don’t know>, Monty Python, Mrs. Doubtfire, Tootsie, Kids in the Hall

Last one is Bosom Buddies.