Skies Above the Reich flies circles around the competition, by Bruce Geryk

Skies Above the Reich posits that in a strategic bombing game, it isn’t the the ground targets that are interesting.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Just started playing this. My first pass was 2 fighters coming from Nose Low…did one damage to one bomber but 1 BF109 took 1 damage and the other 2 damage. We’ll see how those B-17’s like my Tail High attacks out-of-the-sun next.

I really like this game even with very limited playtime.

Oh wow, $86 on Amazon? That’s a little bit unexpected.

It’s $63.99 at csi but their shipping is ridiculous.

Shipping is usually free for Sloooow shipping from CSI.

I looked at Skies Above and it’s only $5.99. That is from Florida to Seattle so I doubt there is any more expensive unless you live in Hawaii or Alaska.

Does anyone else, when reading that word, hear it in their head as “ZE REIIIIIIICH!!!”?

Just me, huh?

Really good game,I have enjoyed it. The designer’s Doolittle Raid game is really good,too…have not played the Dambusters game.

For those that are willing to trade their BF109’s for FW190’s and combat boxes full of B24’s instead of B17’s there is a stand alone expansion on the way.

And if you end up a fan of the designer he’s got a really interesting game design coming up.

What the heck is csi?

Or maybe… it’s a cop show.



It’s $62.30 at mm with $5.99 shipping.

One of the things I really enjoy about SatR is the fact that there’s no long term overarching campaign story, because we all know how the story ends. It keeps the focus squarely on the pilots, whom you grow attached to, and keeps the tactics front and center at all times. Between this and Enemy Coast Ahead, Jerry White is becoming one of my favorite designers. Would love to see him take on a re-make/re-imagining of Raid on St. Nazaire, as I think that would be squarely in his wheelhouse.

I hadn’t thought of that. That’s a great thought.


dot com

Reading this review had me remembering the plane scenes in Dunkirk, where it was open sky and open water but it was the position of the other plane that mattered.

“head-on attacks[.] You’ll”

Oh gosh, I’m sorry I didn’t see this until now. I did an AAR of a 1942 campaign over on another forum, if anyone is interested:

I am super stoked to hear about Storm Above the Reich, which I will 100% be getting.

I’ve had Skies since it first came out. But, I have never gotten it to the table to play. Well, I just finished one mission of the 1942 campaign.

I had 4 Bf109s on approach to a formation of three bombers I was flying up to level altitude on their tale expecting to continue up to high and come out of the sun on them. The B17’s Spitfire escort managed to intercept in time (and I had all 4 of my fighters in one box) and they engaged with us while the bomber formation got out of range. One of my pilots earned a fighter kill and we had to return to base with no victory points.

It was very fast and easy. A little too fast considering I didn’t get a single shot towards a bomber but the flowcharts getting my as far as I did were great. Jerry White has created something remarkable here. I didn’t get Storm Above the Reich but I am very much looking forward to finishing the campaign. And I am really excited about:

You’re playing with the intercept rules from Storm?

I am really going back and forth with myself about getting in on the P500 for Britain. On the one hand, yes, on the other, when am I going to play it???

I don’t know Storm at all. During setup the escort I rolled was a light Spitfire escort. The bomber formation was outbound from the target already and since there wasn’t a number on the escort result I had assumed the escort had already formed up. some of the escort moved to trailing high and the result I got there was for an escort marker to enter the box with the most fighters so there was the one and only box there.