Smallville's new Lois Lane

I don’t watch Smallville, but I guess Lois Lane is a new character on the show this season. Does anyone else think it’s a bit weird that she looks like a female version of Tom Welling?

*PS: I’d still fuck her.

I think it’s weird that we have 27 year old actors and actresses playing characters who are supposed to be in their teens. But, I suppose it’s been that way ever since Beverly Hills 90210.

Yeah, but you’d fuck Tom Welling too. :P

I always looked at the blonde chick in the show as a sort of Lois Lane character.

And about the whole “27 year olds playing teenagers” bit, that conversation was had a decade ago and it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they appear to be the age in the show, this chick doesn’t look like the right age at all.

Yeah, she looks way past college-age in that photo. I think she’d need some plastic surgery and a fantastic make-up artist to get her looking like she’s 20.

edit: this sound awful and shallow, but she might need to lose some weight for the show too. Even the bronzer on her cheeks and nose can’t take my attention away from the fat along her jawbone.

Or maybe they want to keep that. Maybe they want her character to be pretty, but not perfect. She is really pretty.

Chloe even submitted an article to the Daily Bugle last season under the pseudonym ‘Lois Lane’. She said that was her cousin’s name. Is this her cousin?

Roger, dude, that is just f*cked up if you think she needs to lose weight. Big Calista Flockhart fan or something?

I think he was just talking about the fat that naturally gathers in the face as you get older. It doesn’t make the person fat, but it is a sign of aging. It makes believing she is 20 a bit more difficult.

I actually prefer a woman to be at least 25. I think that’s about when most women get truly sexy, and it lasts for about 20 years after that (sometimes longer!).

Yes. Supposedly, Lois Lane goes to Smallville to investigate the disappearance of her cousin, Chloe. Lois is supposed to be a couple years older than Clark Kent, making her college age.

Lol. No, I was just trying to think of ways the show’s producers could make her look younger. You’re right, though, I should be criticizing WB instead, for casting a beautiful woman who can’t possibly pass for 19.

When I look at her photos, I don’t get that moment of quiet, internal reflection (aka “woah, don’t think of her like that, she might be jailbait!”) that I get from real 1st-year college students.

We’ll see how it works out.

I love how you all say she looks to old but none of you are bothered by the break in the superman continuity brought on by the idea Lois knows Clark before he moves to Metropolis?

I don’t watch the show, but if I did I’d rather see the writers not be shackled by cannon continuity. Wasn’t it pretty much tossed out the window from the beginning?

Well, Smallville hasn’t exactly followed Superman continuity anyway.

Hell, even Superman hasn’t followed Superman continuity since the mid-80s. :-)

Pretty, but she’s no Kristin Kruek. Clark Kent is definitely trading down.

I never really saw the hotness in Kristin Kreuk. Allison Mack looks much better than her.

Actually Smallville is following golden age Superboy continuity pretty well There are changes ofcourse. Even the bit about the indians being involved was from a Superboy book published in the 40s

Seconded. I don’t know why, but I find Allison tres hot. Of course, I have always liked intellectual women, and she has more of that intellectual look. Maybe I just assume that smart women are better in bed…so far, I have been right about that.

Kristin Kreuk Lana Lang IS really hot… until she talks.

Allison Mack looks like she came out of the Hollywood Blond Clone Factory. I think Kreuk’s appeal is that she’s different.

I will add a vote for Kreuk as well. She has that “I look really different but in a sexy way” look. Just a bit off the beaten path from the standard Hollywood fare.