Smell/Taste Aversions

I’m still leery of tequila for the usual mundane reasons.

Oddly, I’ve never had a rum aversion, despite a combination of Pusser’s and unrealized minor heatstroke combining in an unholy way that triggered my only stupid hospital visit. Now, I keep a bottle of it in my liquor cabinet. It’s like always having a little piece of my death nearby. I figure that each time I have the occasional rum and coke, I get closer to living forever!

Food: lima beans and asparagus. Especially asparagus. Foul.

Food: Durian. The most favourite food that Southeast Asians love to give to foreigners (white/chinese/japanese/whatever else) for giggle-inducing fun! When it’s in season, and the local sidestreet stalls carries piles of them like Watermelon, you can smell their distinctive odors from blocks away…and wonder how can a city as paranoid about cleaniness as Singapore suddenly forget to collect their trash for 2 weeks. Oh, well, the smell is not from the trash, dearie me. It’s from the Durians that aren’t even cracked open yet!

Disclaimer: I like the smell now. I still won’t eat it.

P.S. Durians are banned from the Singapore subways. Surprisingly, there is no fine attached to the ban.

P.P.S. Lots of foreign expats in SEAsia love it.

Drinks: None, although I puked lots on watered-down beer during university. So you could say that I now avoid those like the plague, and only stick with full-bodied 100% pure non-diluted beer.

Durian is also banned in hotels. My friend’s mother asked me to try some, and my reaction caused her to use English.

It smells really, really awful. You have no idea until you have actually tried it. The taste is just like the smell, only stronger, a little more bitter and stringy.

I’m that way with POG, most likely due to the way we used to combine it with cheap plastic-bottle vodka in copious quantities.

A good spodee, on the other hand, is just good clean fun!