So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Regarding Meals on Wheels:

“We spend $150 billion on those programs since the 1970s,” Mulvaney said. “These CDBGs have been identified as programs since the second Bush administration as not showing any results. We can’t do that anymore. We can’t spend money on programs because they sound good. Meals on Wheels sounds great and that’s a state decision to fund that. I can’t take money and give it to the states for programs that don’t work, I can’t defend that anymore. We’re $20 trillion in debt.”[/quote]

Fuck those seniors.

On school lunches for children:

“They’re supposed to be educational programs right? They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better at school,” he said. “Guess what, there’s no demonstrable evidence they’re doing that, helping results, helping kids do better in school … which, when we took the money from you, the way we justified it was these programs are going to help children do better in school and get better jobs. We can’t prove that is happening.”[/quote]

Fuck those kids.

And here I was all bitter about the taco trucks on every corner we never got.

The school lunch thing is especially infuriating to me since I know damn well that every single study on the subject says kids do better in school when they’re fed.

Yeah. Providing basic nutrition is probably one of the most effective uses of the education budget, for real.

I thought I’d read somewhere that the EPA under the "fox guarding the henhouse"eye of Secretary Pruitt was going to make it more difficult for states to set emissions standards more stringent than those of the federal government. So I guess that would determine if it’s a moot point or not. I would think it would be especially relevant if California had its own CAFE standards, since otherwise the car companies could just say, “eh, we’ll make up the money we don’t make selling big pickups and SUVs in California by selling a lot more of them everywhere else.”

If there’s any reason to it at all other than saving money for a wall - about which all Trump policies I’m honestly doubtful - it’s that school lunches are now in many cities a de facto children’s breadline. A hugely shocking number of students, maybe over 20% nationally, depend on federal school food programs for most of their food security.

Yeah but fuck those kids. Millionaires and billionaires need more money, dammit! They’re not being incentivized enough. /s

Pretty much. The rest of the world also falls into that category. It isn’t cheaper to build and develop a shittier car that you can’t export. Removing regulations on the US side doesn’t really do much since California and the EU’s regulations mean that if you want to sell to those two massive markets you’re going to build under their, already more strict, regulations anyway.

It might matter for stuff like farm machinery and pick ups to an extent, but those things were mostly exempt anyway as far as I understood it (and California buys a lot of those things anyway, it’s actually a big agricultural state).

Honestly, if the feds remove funding for all this stuff, States that don’t suck should just replace it with state programs. Jack up their own taxes to offset the federal reductions.

Then the red States can have less taxes for super Rich folks, but Rich folks don’t want to live in those places anyway… And life for the general public in those States will suck.

On some level, leaving things to the states doesn’t mean everything has to suck. It just means it will suck in shitty States.

Sorry Armando.

I’ll have to do some digging but I recall a link someone posted here shortly after the election that basically said what you wrote in that the red states are going to get fucked unbelievably hard under a budget like Trump’s while blue states will make out ok. Still going to suck for the nation as a whole but as a Californian at least we got some lube to lessen the pain.

I guess I missed the data that says these seniors are starving. That’s the only way Meals on Wheels could fail right?

Yeah that would make a difference but the GOP is all about state rights… right?

Speaking of rights:

So when the Feds start taking the land instead of offering a piddly few thousand for it, will the Texan Trump supports still be supporters?

It’s cool. North Carolina is a shithole, and we’re foolish to be staying here. But while we might be able to afford to move in the medium near future, lots of people just can’t, and I think writing off the poor, captive populations of red states is a pretty shitty political tactic, even short term.

It’s why I’ve got such a hard on for federalization (yes, even in the face of the now-realized threat of a world Ending Apocalypse-class politician being elected). The idiot citizens of states like NC must be drug, kicking and screaming, into modernity, no matter how much the slack jawed shitfucks (read: conservatives :-P) might want to continue driving themselves straight into a Somalia style hell.

That’s our duty as their betters. They clearly can’t be trusted to govern themselves.

Is any of this extra defense spending going to increase pay for soldiers?

$21,078 USD a year for an E2 Private is extraordinary. That’s less than half what an Australian recruit would get in USD equivalent.

That does seem awfully low, although I presume room and board come with the gig?

The way the services calculate it, an E2 (assuming less than 2yrs of enlistment) gets $44,748.42 annually! They’re swimming in tax money!

They send a form out every year to soldiers that show them that calculation plus they add some crazy-ass amount for free healthcare. I think when I was in my first year, they claimed I was reaping >$60k with everything added together. Needless to say, the form is a source of some amusement in the barracks.

I still refuse to have one iota of sympathy for the Trumpgretters. Maybe in another year or two I’ll feel differently.

May not be for much longer though… seems like it’s turning blue pretty fast.

The Republicans aren’t going to let go of power gently. I can’t imagine much changes until at least after the 2020 census, and that’s assuming that doesn’t wind up tampered with somehow. Last I heard, even our special elections to undo the effects of the literally racially defined districts in the center of the state are canceled now due to a court ruling. . .