So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I love the Post’s anonymous sources. This bit is great:

[quote]Another person in line for a senior legal post who pulled out after Comey’s firing said, “I decided, ‘What am I doing this for?’ ”

He described a disorganized paperwork process that threatened to leave him unprepared for Senate confirmation, and said he was disgusted that Rosenstein was “hung out to dry” as the president claimed at first that the deputy attorney general orchestrated Comey’s firing.

“You sit on the tarmac for quite some time, you see smoke coming out of the engine and you say, ‘I’m going back to the gate,’ ” he said.[/quote]

Even libertarian economists believe some regulation is necessary- I’ve seen arguments from Milton Friedman to that effect, even if it’s way below what I would consider healthy. Then again economists are supposed to deal in rationality.

the deconstructionist argument is fundamentally irrational.

(1/4): Within five minutes of the Caesar production starting, someone just ran on stage and yelled “Liberal hate kills!” Escorted out by security.
(2/4): Another interruption. This time during the Caesar death scene. Protester yells: “We’re sick of your bullshit!” Crowd boos.
(3/4): Some in the crowd are yelling “Lock him up.” Security escorts him out. This was not the rom com I was expecting.
(4/4): Play is over. No other interruptions. Getting the protesters out took less time than writing this tweet.

These people are protesting a masterpiece written 500 years ago by one of the greatest playwrights of Western Civilization.

I mean, putting aside how protesting a play is stupid…

They are protesting Shakespeare.

The people are really just worthless trash. They are ignorant to the point of absurdity.

What does ‘Liberal hate kills’ mean?

I think they misheard. Given the venue, they obviously yelled ‘Liberal haikus!’ ahead of a planned ad-hoc performance, before being interrupted by security

Shakespeare was a cuck.

All of Western civilization was a mistake. Now let me tell you about how I’m proud of my Western culture…

The “Liberal hate” thing is projection.

One liberal = all liberals
Hundreds of Trump supporters = very few of them
This is literally the narrative they’re pushing.
Don’t judge us all because of a few crazies. But you’re all hate filled and evil because of what one single guy did.

This video is completely unrelated, but basically what talking to most Trump supporters is like:

They also bought tickets to the play! Ha ha!


Also, that one guy was white guy from 500 years ago who wrote a play.

They should have at least used the Shakespeare Insulter:

“Thou whoreson impudent embossed [liberal] rascal!”

Taken from: Henry IV, part I

I’m fairly sure their “European heritage” is just a bunch of white people sitting around staring at a wall.
Anything else would probably offend them in some way.

Lock them up?

Things have gotten so bad that I actually look at this as good news - it means the info available to the Mercers/Putins/Trumps of the world is now also available to everyone else as well.

To Acosta’s point, can you imagine if your local city council refused to let the press record their meetings? How the fuck are they getting away with this?

Because there is only one political body that has any power in the government right now, and it’s the GOP. Since they refuse to do anything against Trump, he can do anything he wants.