So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

That Trump can’t get no … sat-is-FACT-ion.


And just like that, you win the Internet today.

And here comes the information suppression. We are screwed if we don’t get these criminals out of office.

To be entirely fair, Trump wanted two columns: good guys killed, bad hombres killed. They talked him up from there.

Posting here because why not and lol nothing matters

So hopelessly trying to salvage her reputation is the most important thing to do right now, even if it means trying to discredit Comey and the Russia investigation. I underestimated just how narcissistic she is.

I took it as a joke on her part.

Yes, it was obviously a bit of gallows humor.

That’s clearly it.

Well there’s something to brighten your Sunday afternoon.

He’s almost certainly right, though.

Happy Halloween?

I think Yglesias is right.

The vast majority of politicians have a single priority, their own re-election. ‘American Democracy’ is not worth saving, if it means they have to find another way to make a living.

Trump can do literally anything as long as his base supports him.

Remains to be seen. trump’s base is not an unassailable voting block, and instead of growing it he has been shrinking it as people leave the Republican party. We also don’t know if his base will turn out for other politicians or if they are just loyal to him. While there are serious headwinds facing Democrats, a small increase in African American turnout along with a better turnout among millennials and hispanic voters will do serious harm to Republican prospects.

I get feeling pessimistic, it’s an easy feeling to give in to but giving up a year out? Safer I guess to embrace a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If he’s right it will be time to start killing people in the streets.

Sure, but we’ve already seen voter suppression at work and it’s been effective enough to shave some Democratic votes. They will keep pushing it. Between that and gerrymandering, it’s going to be very tough to regain the House.

For sure, those are the “serious headwinds” I mentioned, but it’s also not a fait accompli. With high enough turnout some of those things might be overcome.

If Gillespie ® wins VA, I might be more inclined to think we’re turbo fucked. Instinct tells me he’s going to win a very close election, but then I can’t tell if that’s instinct or just fear. :D

Edit: Cool, the parenthetical R turned into a trademark symbol. Gonna keep it there.