So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Okay. There’s enough going on that I just don’t find the humor there. Sorry.


That’s interesting because it suggests some of the president’s staunchest supporters favor it. Then again, I think the president does too, but keeps getting talked out of it by the likes of Stephen Miller or anti-immigration elements of the gop

I could have ended thing thing almost before it began.

If I were the Dem leadership, I would be out there talking to everyone who would listen (meaning any Fox New show I could get on) about how this was actually the “Stephen Miller Shutdown” and how Miller was masterfully pulling the President’s strings on all this and contributing to Trump losing touch with the “Forgotten Men” of America.

I would follow that up with some grudgingly-admiring statements about how canny Miller is and how he has an uncanny ability to steer Trump away from his natural inclination to make great deals. Miller truly is a master strategist and has an absolutely amazing ability to guide White House policy… beyond even that of Bannon or Preibus.

I might also slip in a line about how there could probably be a deal in just a few hours, if the GOP could just get the approval of “President Miller”.

This… might actually work.

It’s so dumb it could work.

It’s 5-Dimensional chess!

Dammit, you beat me to it, lol

'Cause he’s a racist
white supremAcist
only likes white faces
makes his policy on the run

he’s a snorter
and a deporter
and a kangaroo Courter
sure does want to hurt someone


Is there a bigger group of hypocrites in the world?

Generally you might get one mulligan a game… maybe one per 9 if you’re playing for the beer more than the game. Trump’s done morally and ethically abhorrent things over and over again, for his entire life.

While Christianity absolutely has the notion of forgiveness baked into it, there’s also the requirement of repentance. You need to actually admit you’ve done things wrong, and ask God for forgiveness for it to be given.

God doesn’t just say “Sinning is fine!”

These fucks don’t even understand the most basic elements of their own damn religion.

I also love the idea “Well that was ten whole years ago!”

The guy was fucking SIXTY years old! It wasn’t like he was some kid sowing his wild oats. He didn’t undergo some kind of miraculous transformation between then and now.

They can’t even get Trump to pretend that he’s been born again. He would never give up his pride even for political expediency, let alone out of sincerity. If I may borrow a word from the alt-right, nobody but a cuck would let Trump walk all over them the way evangelicals do.

He once said in a speech that the Bible may be better than his own book.

I said to people soon as Trump got elected “Trump proves this isn’t a Christian nation.”

There was a lot of speculation about this around this time last last year but now there’s data showing it’s a cold hard fact: international tourism to the US is down over the last year despite a booming global economy.

It’s down 3.3%, $4.6 billion dollars, and 40,000 jobs.

The US is now behind France and Spain as the world’s favorite travel destination.

(But hey, a bunch of those international tourists went to blue places like Hawaii, California and New York so why should Trump care that he’s responsible for the Trump Slump? Oh, and Florida, but it’s not like Florida is important in politics or anything, right?)

I was under the impression that France had always been ahead in tourist numbers?

I mean, I read sometime in 2016, before the Trump effect would have kicked in, that France was the #1 destination. Yeah I remember it clearly because I was using it to teach comparatives and superlatives.

Infact I’ve found the video but the forum won’t let me upload it.

So some internet digging found the video. Jump to 1:44.

Yeah sorry didn’t mean to imply the ranking of France as #1 had changed (as the article says, what changed is the US fell from 2 to 3.)

The salient fact for Trumpists is that that under their idol the US is falling even further behind the effete European socialists.

I swear that if we allowed unpasteurized cheese this problem would go away.