So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

The obvious compromise is to respond with the blessings of His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

(Though, I find it vastly counterproductive to challenge people on their displays of religion. Even if I don’t share their beliefs, I can hear “bless you” and its variants as a well intended kindness, not an offense against my agnosticism).

By Grabthar’s Hammer.

I wonder if getting unwanted “Have a blessed day”-s is a predominantly white-person microaggression. I don’t get much of that, due to living in NY, but I suspect I wouldn’t get much of it regardless.

Alternately, I’d get it, but even more pointedly.

I always use “The Tribunal” in those comments, as I played a shaman in Everquest for a long time.

“Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.”

You’re late to the party. Check other threads. :)

Bah. I bet those other threads only used Zardoz references or Fallout references, not Beneath the Planet of the Apes ones.

(Truthfully I haven’t been able to catch up on all the threads because it’s just been one of those days. It’s really, really hard to keep up on the End Times!)

Pfft. I called in What’s Happening, which no one seems to have appreciated. Who can forget the episode where ReRun joined the cult worshipping Ralph the head of cabbage?

Cripes is the world full of loonies. WTAF.

In this case, it’s moonies.

Is that really what they are?


“The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) was created in 1994 by Sun Myung Moon,”

Yes. That specific church is an offshoot of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church. It’s run by his son, Hyung Jin Moon.

I remember when the moonies would have some really big events and hit the front page of the news from time to time. Nuts, all of them. Didn’t they hold massive wedding ceremonies?


And yet, as stark raving nuts as they are, I bet the vast majority of the people in those pictures are nicer and more accepting than your average GOP voter these days. This is the world we live in…

Trump is like a first time Civilization player. He just pushes the buttons and sees what happens without any consideration for the knock on effects, because he thinks he gets a do-over on everything if he wants it.

could cause beer prices to rise

Donald Trump you’re meddling with powers you can’t possibly comprehend.