So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I make no pretense, IANAL, but… that CAN’T be Constitutional, can it?

Sure it can. I mean owning a firearm and voting are rights and they can take those away as long as there is due process (which being convicted of a felony is by definition). Anything after that is just window dressing.

I mean they can’t keep you from getting job, but any sort of public benefits are fair game.

The food stamp policy is purely red meat for the stupid base. It doesn’t make any sense, from either end of the political spectrum. It’s pretty much a guarantee that a substantial portion of those affected will commit some sort of crime, just to get back into jail and not starve. You can’t even hypothesize a reasonable society benefit to doing it, including any sort of budgetary savings. Jailing people is expensive.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Stupid and counter productive yes, but also constitutional as Shiva explained.

The NYT just can’t help themselves, can they?

Ah fuck. Kill me now. I don’t think I can take anymore of this shit.

I’d rather you didn’t. I’m much more in favor of making ‘drinking poison to own the libs’ a thing. These MAGAts seem credulous enough to fall for it…

There is no bottom to this endless pit of stupid, is there.

I think you’ll find it at the bottom of a nuclear bomb’s crater, actually.

Two bits of media this week have moved me.

  1. Michael Moore on Bill Maher. He annoys me but in this clip he expresses my deepest concern very precisely.
  1. This bit from Charlie Pierce, who, rhetorical tics aside, seems to me to be one of those people actually following Orwell’s edict to struggle to see what is in front of one’s nose. I relate very strongly to the pessimism and anger he expresses here. (Don’t be misled by the headline; it’s not really another one of those “why isn’t Obama doing more?” pieces.)

People need to fucking give up on this idea that Obama is gonna somehow come back and save everything.

Obama’s done. Get fucking over it.

If you want to save the country from Trump, then it’s up to the rest of us. Obama doesn’t have magic powers. He’s not gonna be president again.

As I said, you might want to read the article rather than the headline. Pierce is the last guy who would ask for a magical Obama to save us. It’s a poorly written headline.

The only salvation I am hoping for is from new leadership. Even though I don’t dislike Obama like some, and I don’t even dislike Hilary Clinton like many, I still feel the Dems need a dramatic, generational sea change of national leadership. You can slice it many different ways but the current Dem leadership has just not gotten it done politically speaking in recent years, and they are now IMO quite a ways out of touch with the younger voters who are the future of the party.

We need new blood, period.

PS This includes Bernie too. His time is past as well.

I kind of wish you wouldn’t all set off a sub-discussion based on looking at a poorly-written headline that doesn’t actually express the point of the article I linked. I was afraid this would happen, which is why I put that note right over the link. All my precautions went for naught, it seems.

My digression is different from those other dudes digression!

In terms of dealing with the victimization of America by Trump I do in fact feel new leadership is necessary.

Sorry, I have seen so much stuff where folks are asking “where is Obama?” That i got kind of triggered by the headline.

Didn’t he leave there to go to Scotland… which is in the UK…?

Get out of America with that geology crap you filthy Porto Rican.