Some terrible 80s movies I revisited


That’s my 2nd favorite part!

I am curious what you mean by “holds up,” really, since to me Big Trouble bears much more resemblance to the other films of its time (say, Tango and Cash) than BB does.

It’s an expression Earth hyoomons use to mean, “I can watch it a few decades after it came out and still unironically enjoy it.”

Also, I always take advantage of threads like this to encourage everyone to watch SHE, a terrible-awesome mishmash of Red Sonja and Mad Max.

Beastmaster of course is also mandatory terrible-80s fare. And Repo Man is legitimately great.

This slightly predates the '80’s, but certainly matches the category:

Pilot for the TV series released as a theatrical film-- and I paid to see it in the theater.

Did you also pay to see the Battlestar Galactica pilot in theaters the year before?

Only time I tried to watch it, as a kid, I felt the same way. But I guess I didn’t give it much of a shot.

Recently watched this gem:

There’s a scene where these bad guys are shooting at the girls with fully automatic assault rifles and Kelli Maroney fights back by throwing high heel shoes at them. I miss the 80’s!

Might be one of those “you had to be there” things, because I watched it a couple years ago for the first time expecting and even wanting to love it, based on what I’d heard, but I didn’t really find anything to hold on to.

Maybe you were thinking about a plate, or shrimp, or a plate of shrimp.

Harry Dean FTW

I did. I went with a friend of mine and his family, and it was in this old-timey theater in San Francisco. They had curtains at the front of the theater, but for a few minutes I actually thought, “Wait…is this a Battlestar Galactica PLAY?!?” Then the curtains opened to reveal a movie screen, and it was all good.

I’m so very sorry for starting this thread.

Who remembers Future-Kill? It’s basically The Warriors with frat boys in an 80s envisioned cyber future. It’s not good, but somehow got H.R. Giger to do the poster.

I remember the poster! I don’t think I ever actually saw the movie.

What’s terrible about that?

Ha, so did I, possibly because it got recommended on another thread here, or maybe the HDTGM subreddit. Very fun.

Galaxy of Terror! Awesome Roger Corman ripoff of the original Alien. Great fun fact is that the production designed for this film was a young James Cameron who would go on to make Aliens (which interestingly enough borrows several shots/idea from Galaxy of Terror).

There’s also a rather infamous scene involving a buxom blonde and a giant slug.

I came here just to profess love for Night of the Comet. Rewatched it a year or two ago and realized that the actor who played Chakotay on Voyager is in it.

Anyone ever see this one? I barely remember it, but I saw it.

Yeah, I remember the aliens creeped me out as a kid. Was this the one where the aliens were like allergic to copper or something like that? And the kid fired pennies at them with his slingshot maybe? I don’t know, maybe I’m all mixed up.

Edit: no wait, apparently I’m thinking of Invaders from Mars. We got invaded a lot in the 80s.