Someone explain Twitch to me

He probably couldn’t, actually. Streaming audiences are fickle and ever hungry for content, and you scale back, they tend to just move on to someone else. He might still be able to earn enough to live on, but it’s not as simple as “cut hours by 60%, earn 60% less”.

This is very true.

That said, he could probably work a lot less and still make mid to high 6 figures pretty easily.
Also he could literally quit, like, today and be set for life where he lives.

Hahaahahahahahahahahaa wow hahahaha

Little late to the party here, but earning $200,000 a month for 50 hour weeks isn’t working in the coal mines. Putting his shoulder to the yoke for another 10 years will earn him $24M. At 36 with that kind of money he can buy a very nice house on the beach and drink himself to death by 60!

“Earlier today, Twitch suspended the channel belonging to Prime Video España.”

Eff yeah.


Did some googling, I guess this is the missing context.

Pokimane outright streaming Avatar: The Last Airbender gets a little temp ban.

Unfortunately I ran into Pokimane’s reaction

She thinks it’s totes unfair to be labelled “untalented and lazy” over her stunt.

I mean she could theoretically do 5 years and pay half a million dollars, but sure, she’s “clever” or whatever.

The streamer has been explaining her new purchase on her second Twitter account, @wildkait. There Amouranth posts a lot of details about her business ventures, like that time she invested in a gas station, and how technically it cost her -$110,000. Yes that’s a negative sign, she’s explained the maths and it’s possible through owing less in income tax.

The great thing about streamers is that they so publicly demonstrate the myopia of most successful people in whatever industry, only able to see their slice of the pie, take that slice as an assumed truth, and then both want more and get fussy on any limitations to their slice.

[edit] somehow replied to wrong post

“great accomplishments” lol

Ha, I just stumbled across the “I’m Only Sleeping” category which I looked into because, you know, Beatles song I guess. And it’s seriously just people sleeping. On camera. I can’t imagine how bored you have to be to watch that.

The constant back and forth between YouTubers and streamers is like fucking junior high.

If that’s something you enjoy doing go get a job as a tech in a sleep lab or EMU or something and be useful. Or maybe not. “I enjoy watching people sleep” might be a little creepy in a healthcare setting.

Same as it ever was.

They need to prosecute swatting as attempted murder cases.

So how does someone make their start uploading gameplay to Pornhub? For Raptor Bacon, it was driven initially by the hilarity of the potential situation. “I honestly just thought it would be really funny,” said the creator. “You know someone’s going to be on there looking up the obvious content that you would find on Pornhub. And then they’ll just stumble into a Minecraft let’s play and they’ll be like: ‘Oh, that’s weird. I’m gonna watch that’. And it turns out a lot of people do.”

Snoop Dogg has joined FaZe Clan.