Someone explain Twitch to me

Indeed. Good but not great is a few hundred concurrent viewers.

Yah, but it was the incentives hours I was referring to. Some of them were 42k/mo 6 min ads, 138 hours streamed (min).

Ad incentives are all over the place.

Twitch offers a great deal one month and the next month it’s dogshit. Or maybe it’s good again. Or maybe the original offer was dogshit. It’s so random that most streamers are doing it based on if it’s worth it.

Because 6 minutes of ads per hour is a lot on Twitch. 10% of your content is ads to a majority of your audience. Who will go watch something else more often than not.

I’ve dropped a couple of streamers that I always enjoyed watching, just because of ads. One of them consistently pops up 8-9 ads as soon as you start the stream up, each between 15 and 30 seconds. I just don’t need that, there are other folks out there I can watch.

I’m guessing that Twitch wants to move to a primarily ad-funded model and away from channel subscriptions. They already started moving down that road by reducing streamers’ revenue split from subs, but I think in the next year or so they’ll make additional moves to de-prioritize subscriptions as the primary way streamers get paid.

In other words, I think that by this time in 2023, six minutes of ads per hour will seem quaint.

Streamers who have ads on a timer or just let them happen are terrible.

It’s not a hard thing to manage, but they don’t bother and then you get ads mid-conversation that last forever. The goods ones plan for it. They have a timer, but control when they fire. So they’ll just openly tell people “okay we need to run some ads” and then they’ll go get something to drink or take a piss.

I’ve literally been mid-conversation with a streamer and gotten cut off by several minutes of ads. It’s fucking terrible and also the majority of the ad experience on Twitch, which is why viewers hate them so much. Well managed ads are fine, but also the exception.

Pre-roll ads are also terrible and kill a lot of channels. You can check out this maybe interesting thing, oh here are several minutes of ads, nevermind, I’ll go watch Youtube or TikTok.

While it was a shitty move, keep in mind that the big streamers are complaining because they’re now getting the same 50/50 sub split that everyone else has been for eternity.

And, I’d imagine. if their viewership drops because of the ads, their next offer will be a lot less.

And the 50/50 technically only kicks in over $100k.

Not that anyone making less than that was ever getting anything better.

The weird reality is that Twitch is losing money and always has. A lot of people are willing to give them some leeway, but their solutions are seemingly made by people who have no idea what Twitch is, much less how it works.

The streamer who broke her back also lost a baby through the surgeries required. She did not know she was pregnant until she was in the hospital.


Waiting for a Republican AG to indict twitchcon for manslaughter.

Wow, that’s terrible :-(

Netflix throws its hat in the ring

So if I’m watching Twitch for bullshit “drops” do I need to keep the window open on my other monitor or can I minimize the window and still get credit for “watching” ?

Should work either way, just slap it on the lowest resolution and mute the browser tab (not the actual video player).

Pretty sure you can minimize. Not sure how Twitch would know the visible status of your browser window.

Oh I need to keep the stream unmuted too? Those bastards.

There seems to be conflicting opinion about this. Twitch says it doesn’t matter, but there are plenty of posts that say it does.

Does a muted stream count as a view?
Yes! Whether you mute the video player on Twitch, or the browser tab, you still count as a viewer so long as live video is playing

I’ve always just run it in a separate tab and never had a problem.