Sons of Anarchy

I think Piney’s going to force his hand by the end of the season.

Piney = Polonius. The way I suspect it plays out is that he goes gunning for Clay and Jax’s kills him. I imagine it won’t be clear what Piney’s intentions were to further widen the breach between Opie and Jax.

Trig is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

I like the irony in that Gemma’s dark secret, which she feared would tear the club apart, is now being used by her to keep it together. I know it was never her intention for it to turn out that way, but I do love how that character is adept at using everything at her disposal to try to make things go the direction she wants them to. It’s a very smartly written character, a real matriarch not just for her own family but for everyone she comes into contact with.

Chibs’ side storyline is very interesting, and I’m curious to see where it’s going and how it will impact the MC.

Y’know, I really wish they hadn’t taken Clay’s evil as far as they had so early - it went so far that I am unable to reconcile that with the ‘greater evil’ concept.

Because he’s done far worse than anything I’ve actually witnessed Zobel undertake, namely in killing Donna while intending to assassinate Opie. It makes no sense to me that Jax can so easily brush that aside.

It would have been easier for me to accept had they intended some lesser act, accidentally killed Donna, and then their greatest evil would be covering that fact up … Or if their target had been less polarized - maybe a little bit of an ass or douchebag in his own right, but still morally off-limits for the club. But Opie?

Just makes it impossible for me to accept Clay as anything short of a total bastard.

Wow. I’m finding it hard to express just how good this episode was. Tig’s breakdown, Staal’s moment of weakness, Opie asking “How do we unmake him?”. This episode was incredible.

So this season just became a revenge story and we just hit the point where the tides are turned? Now this should be fun.

Really enjoyed it myself, though it felt like the unravelling was all a bit conveniently handled in one episode.

The Opie-Staal scene was brilliant.

Finally caught up with this week’s episode. Ho-lee shit.
Absolutely did not see Tig’s breakdown/confession coming. This show went to a whole new level of awesome with this ep.

I still feel a strange disconnect to the implicit white knight role of Jax and his actual behavior. And the irreconcilable Clay problem …

But Opie’s stuff made up for all of that. He should be the new king …

Opie rocks. This episode was fantastic. I can’t believe that Piney and Opie can just be “all good” with Clay though, they’re supressing it until after the club is out of the mess they’re in, and then it’s going to have to explode. Clay is fucked, Jax has damn near everyone on his side now. He should just print copies of that book and pass them around.

I have to assume that there’s a definitive end point planned for the series. They can’t keep stretching out the Clay/Jax feud forever, and after this last episode it feels like we’re already approaching the point of no return.

Of course, the creator worked on The Shield, and the final three seasons of that show all felt like one long climax to me.

The last three seasons of the show were all in a three month span. And it was a hell of a climax.

Agreed. If SOA ultimately follows the same formula of several seasons that follow a very short time frame, I’d have no problem with that.


Yeah. Whoah, indeed. A lot of loose ends for the next season, and some good new ones. Also, I guess not a totally surprisingly shitty move by a supporting character.

I liked it----but didn’t buy them leaving Sobelle there. Woulda taken 3 seconds to take care of him, THEN go help Jax. Or just leave one of the Sons behind to deal.

Awesome final scene with Henry Rollins though. And the three female leads all pulling guns on each other = win.

The worst part is waiting some months to see all these new plot lines to developed. Great season finale though!

Interview with Kurt Sutter that explains a lot.

This was an unbelievably good season of television capped off by a fantastic finale. I watched it twice today, it was just so damn good. I was definitely sad when Half Sack died though, especially since he never made it to full member. Agent Stall was the star of the episode for me; I was so happy they brought her back and she hasn’t disappointed each episode. Shooting Eddie with the blank was awesome. It will most definitely be a long wait for season three.