Source of the Nile Digital Edition: the single-player version of the legendary Avalon Hill board game

A digital edition of the old Avalon Hill game Source of the Nile is coming on April 7:

I really loved this game in its board game incarnation.

Ooh, was that the one with the markers and the blank map?

Yep. It really gives the feel for the time when most of sub-Saharan Africa was a blank space on the map except for along the coasts.

whoa. that’s pretty rad. I loved the boardgame back in the day, though I remember the river exploration rules being pretty wonky. It’ll be super interesting to have all the weird rules automated.

Sounds intriguing. WIshlisted.

There’s even a manual linked on the Steam page already. It’s just a 15-page typed document, without any visual aids or anything, but it’s more than we usually get!

No sale unless it comes with digital crayons!

It is out now for 19.99.

I just purchased it. I will report back after some play time later today.

Is it just me, or is there some serious AI-Gen art vibes going on here




Or is is art from a bunch of sources just kind of clipped together with some heavy black and white/grain filters applied?

And why are they all Zulus? At least, it sure seems to my untrained eye that the images they picked of the warriors are straight out of Isandlwana and Roarke’s Drift.

It looks more like this to me, specially the town “photo”.

Interested in your thoughts so far, especially how the game displays. Noticed on the purchase page it has the following note about forcing certain screen sizes and scaling options. Concerns me the game is not designed in a way to handle modern monitors. I use other scaling options and I have no desire to change display settings every time play the game. Based on a question on the steam forum, seems no in game display settings available.

Check your resolution and display settings.
This game cannot be played on resolutions lower than 1920 x 1080 and Windows display scale must be set to 100%.

The game itself is faithful recreation of the board game. Very easy to die unless careful playing is done. I am enjoying the challenger. I have not had a problem having the game displayed on my monitor, but I understand that milage can vary depending upon monitors being used.

Just curious, what resolution do you play at and what is your windows scaling setting?

I play at 1920 X 1080. My scaling is one hundred percent.

Thank you. Looks like the specific settings the game expects. I wonder what it will look like for something like 3840x2160 and other scaling above 100. Just hate to manually change things to play a game.

Ugh, I see now your reservations. There are no graphics options that I can see other than “we get your full monitor at whatever whack-ass resolution we want nyah!”, and I don’t see any way to uncheck it. : (

Being unable to alt-F4 out was also a bit unnerving.

Hopefully the developers will work out that PC gamers have a breadth of visual displays and preferences, at which point I’ll be curious to investigate this port further.

Heh - I actually thought about doing a computer version of that like 20 years ago.

Of course, me being me, I started expanding on the design until it was a full-blown role-playing game. I’d still love to try and do something like that someday, but it’s hard to do justice to the period.

Brilliantly cruel boardgame, though.

I actually started on simplifying/euro-izing it as a project a decade or so ago. THere’s a thread on BGG about it somewhere. This was during the nascent days of the ‘Legacy’ game style, and I wanted to do a sort of legacy game where each play the board got slowly filled in, and after each play new explorers would be available, etc. I wanted to greatly simplify the bookkeeping, etc- I had a system where you used dice to mark how much of each good/party member/etc. you had. I built a prototype, we played a few times, then life got in the way.

I should dig that project back out.

I’d settle for a remake of Seven Cities of Gold