Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)

It’s impressive! They really not only streamlined it a bit but also made it more interactive! I had no idea I had to manually land on a planet, oops! ;)

wow, you can count all the stars… and the pixels :-)

Imho it almost felt as a different game (in the moment to moment gameplay). It felt as close to Star Control II as to Starflight…

I’ve not gotten to combat yet but it does seem more arcadey/Star Controlley based on the manual.

Hey folks, just a bit of quick pimpage because you can win stuff! In about 30 minutes we’ll be streaming Quintet with the developers, and have a bunch of keys to giveaway! Please stop by for your chance to win!

Thanks to this thread, I just spent several hours engrossed in Battlestation: Harbinger. My best score so far is 1250 or so on Easy. I really enjoy the roguelike feel.

One question. Several times I managed to escape a nasty battle by jumping out before the battle ended. But I tried that one too many times. In my last turn, the battle wasn’t going great, but I still had all three ships, so I figured I’d jump to safety. I think my enemy jumped with me. Is that possible? Then I couldn’t jump-to-safety again; I hate to fight to the death. And death it was! What are the rules on jumping out mid-battle?

Also, is there a keyboard shortcut to center on one’s flagship?

Once you jump, if anyone follows you. Your spacedrive will recharge. You can jump again. The good thing is that sometimes only a part of the enemy will follow. The bad news is that there may be even more guys waiting at the destination. And the pursuers join in a few seconds later…

The battles are fun but the game progression is not very satisfactory. You wont be able to win with the starting ships because of the slots available. You accumulate XP to unlock bigger ships in the next play through.

This is a very unsatisfactory way to progress.

Best score so far is Normal 3600+. Died in 3rd system. But that is because my maxed out Assault Class and 2 escorts, also maxed out Assault Class is just overwhealmed by ships with more slots.

Forcing me to grind XP on the meta game to get a bigger ship so that I can have a chance to win is NOT a great design.

Well, considering Star Control II was directly based on StarFlight, that’s not surprising.

You accumulate XP to unlock bigger ships in the next play through. This is a very unsatisfactory way to progress.

Thanks for the replies, cicobuff. I’m new to “Battlestation: Harbinger,” but so far I actually like the metagame. I feel like I’m making progress, not just playing the same game with the same starting position over and over. But I may have greater tolerance for grinding than the average person.

Yea, was wondering about that. Seems that most people don’t mind grinding for progress as long as basic gameplay is fun. And Harbinger is quite fun. This game reminds me of Darkest Dungeon. Only much less grind.

Paging Mr Rubin, any thoughts on Polaris Sector? Looks like it releases March 22nd. MoO early access this week, and Stellaris hopefully sometime in the near future. Should be a good year for your inner space Napoleon.

Oh, hey! I just saw the videos:

Looking forward to viewing them at length, although I probably will do so at 2x! ;-p

Glad to hear you find the mission variety acceptable; I’ve worked quite hard in contributing to VO’s content in that regard over the past 5 years.

Mr. Brian Rubin, have you heard of this? I’m pretty intrigued.

Space Sector wrote a bit about it: Aaaand never mind, I just found this. :-)


The beta just got updated so I need to dive back in, but I like what I see so far. Here’s some coverage to help you out:

Oh hey, thanks for that. I found it fascinating they they enlist so-called “superfans” to help with content generation, a brilliant idea.

So let me ask you something. You clearly found that space sector talked about Pocket Space Empire apparently quite easily, but had no idea I did weeks ago. Might I ask how you found Space Sector’s content, or how you keep up with them? I’m concerned about the lack of visibility of my own content. It’s, to be honest, a bit frustrating/maddening.


Edit: Oh god, I even posted about it here&p=3919091&viewfull=1#post3919091). WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?! weeps

They posted it today on Twitter, and they rarely post on Twitter, so it caught my attention. I also prefer written text to videos, and you will normally do videos instead of written text. That’s it.

Sigh, I wish I had time to do more written stuff, but when I was doing my stuff completely in text form, I barely had time for more than one post a week, maybe, if I was lucky. I’ve been trying to strike a balance but that’s just tough. I’m still working on it though.