Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)


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CP/M, baby!

This was my first computer - a Prologica CP-400, basically a brazilian clone of the TRS-80 Color Computer.

It had some cool games, like Draconian, Zaxxon, Time Bandit. I even programmed a few things in BASIC in that one, PEEKs and POKEs included.

Yeah, my first computer was an Apple ][e, in about 1992 no less.

owning a ZX Spectrum in the mid to late 80s was basically like the punk of video games.

Meet the Mac-killer.

Not, my first computer, but still my favorite computer. The ST was so awesome. And to stay with space: I was one of the apparently few people who loved Stellar Crusade on it.

OMG. Typing in Commodore BASIC programs. One mistake, just one mistake and you’re screwed. Especially in the zeroes and ones separated by commas (I think?) at the end. There was a game in a book called Quantum Billiards that looked so cool. I could never get it to work.

Oh here we go – maybe we are all old? Let us get back to spacegame glory

So, SG 2 Warlords is $16 on GMG right now. Is it worth it, @BrianRubin? Don’t lead me astray!

Oh yeah, definitely better than SPG2, less grindy, more fun, more open worldy too as you can take over the map and such, and they keep adding stuff to it through its EA period too.

Do we know if they’re going to include controller support for SPG Warlords? I found the kb+m controls a bit wonky.

Not sure, honestly, K+M is all I’ve ever used with the game. SPG2 did have controller support though.

Likewise. I need to bust that out again. I seem to recall it was super detailed.

Guys, the Matrix sale is on, and they have some great deals on wonderful space games like Star Hammer and Starships Unlimited. Check it out!!

Anyone played Armada 2526? Hidden gem? It seems to have slipped under my radar all these years.

I remember being interested in it at the time it was released (total war in space, yay!) but it got shat on severely in reviews. by mr chick himself iirc.