Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)

Sounds good except for the most important questions - can you save mid-mission and can you issue orders while paused?

I think so, and I think so. Been a while since I played.

Okay, FINE, I backed it.

EVEN THOUGH I’ve already backed a cool space sim from the guy who made Wing Commander. I’m sure that one will be done really soon and I’ll be spending my time enjoying that.

Link plz?

Thank you!

HAHAHAHAHAHA, good one. (I’ll believe it when I see it.)

Hmm. Still lots of people in the forum complaining that the game is very buggy. It sounds interesting, but…

So a friend on Twitter today shared with me this 1982 book of programming, specifically covering space games.

It’s pretty bloody amazing y’all.

One of the Creative Computing’s Basic Computer Games books (the first one, I think) has a nice Microsoft BASIC version of the original TREK, along with some other early space games. You can grab these over at AtariAge.

So, when can we expect the first “Brian Rubin Presents” to release?

I cringed at the FOR-NEXT delay loops, heh.

But that was the only way to do pauses! Most BASICs back then didn’t have WAIT statements. Hell, they didn’t have any other looping structure but FOR statements; no DO…WHILEs, no DO…UNTILs.

Starpoint Gemini Warlords just had another update, is anyone playing this?

I played it a few weeks ago and had a great time. Can’t wait to dive back in with this new update.

I took the dive for $5, and I went to change the graphics settings. While I could fiddle around with everything, I then couldn’t exit the menu. So yeah, it’s buggy.

It was $5 at some point? It’s $27.99 CAD now.

Yes. At least four days ago. points upward

It’s actually on sale now, according to Is There Any Deal:

Oh I thought that was for Gemini Warlords

I see there is an AMA going on by the devs of Starpoint Gemini Warlords.

Brian, what are your thoughts on After the Empire, releasing today?

It looks intriguing, but it’s by the same developer at The Viceroy, which also seemed like a good idea, but ended up an enigma wrapped in a riddle buried somewhere in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.