Space Game General All-Platform Thready Discussy Thing :)

Yeah, I tried that. It’s not actually getting rid of the blackness, it’s just hiding it, so what you see instead is the desktop surrounding the game window, which is just insane.

Gah, someone on YouTube suggested 150% scaling, which I did, and IT DID NOTHING

Are you “Display Scaling” in Windows? That has no effect on games.

I think newer nVidia cards can scale via their driver settings. That is going to scale EVERYTHING though.

There is also the “Lossless Scaling” tool on Steam. You could try messing with that.

Hello my wonderful gaming friends, and welcome to another week of spacey gaming! This week, we’re traveling all the way back to 1988 to play what I think is the hardest RPG I’ve ever played, Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic! We’ll also have more videos coming throughout the week, so stay tuned for those as I make them.

Moving on from pre-recorded content, here’s this week’s streaming schedule:

  • Monday - 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Deep Space Nine: The Fallen stream.
  • Tuesday - 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville stream. 4:00 PM - Best of the Decade faux award show!
  • Wednesday - 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Hitman (2016) stream.
  • Thursday - 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Aleinautics stream. 4:00 PM, Aliens: Colonial Marines LAN Party broadcast.
  • Friday - 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Evochron Legacy stream.

You can see all of our planned upcoming streams and events on our calendar, as always!

You can watch any of these streams on Twitch, YouTube, Mixer and Steam.

Finally, in written content, this week’s discussion topic is why, as I get older, I prefer games that value my time. In this week’s gaming check-in, I just wanna shoot stuff.

That’ll do it for this up and coming week, my friends. Thanks so much, as always, for being awesome, and we’ll see you somewhere online! :)

Oh man, this game didn’t get great reviews, but I loved it. I loved using the tri-corder and exploring in this one. The characters from DS9 were mostly all spot on. I wish I’d finished it, but it was a super-super long game. I think I played that campaign for over a year, and eventually drifted away from it.

Ohhh I’m excited!


Paging @BrianRubin.

Been flailing for a couple of hours straight.

Oh wow I never heard of this. Gameplay looks janky. Were they trying to mimic Tomb Raider? When was this game released?

It was an Unreal Engine third person shooter that came out in November 2000. Other notable games in that time period included Diablo 2 and Deus Ex in the summer, and then games like Quake 3, and Voyager Elite Force which used the Q3 engine. Monolith released the excellent No One Lives Forever. Console players got SSX, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Final Fantasy XI in a similar timeframe. We also got the quirky Sacrifice and Giants: Citizen Kabuto. It was a busy time with some excellent games.

It is a bit weirdly janky at times. I spent ten minutes trying to open two doors. I ran into them, shot them and used mines on them. Come to find there were panels next to them - same color as the background, mind you - that you’re supposed to walk up to and interact with in order to open the doors.

W. T. F?

But overall I’ve had a great time with it so far. All the actors are back reprising their roles except for Sisko (who is played by the excellent Kevin Michael Richardson) and O’Brien (who’s played by some guy really hamming up the Irish accent).

So if you’re a fan of the show, it’s really great to spend more time in that world.

Not on Steam or GOG!! Aaaaaaaaah!

Is it stuck in legal Neutral Zone?

Like most Star Trek games, likely so.

weeps for Starfleet Command II and Orion Pirates

Which is so weird since both Steam and GoG have the first Starfleet Command.

I know! When that happened I was anticipating the sequels with bated breath and then they never turned up. As an old tabletop Starfleet Battles nerd I really loved those games.

Greatest news ever? Yes.