Space Marine 2

Hmm, I feel like I did get the jetpack, but I don’t think I got the hammer? Maybe I’ll spin it up again…this time on Steam Deck!

Yeah, I gave up on the first game at an early point too. I need to give it another shot. I have it on disc for the 360. I wonder if it’s back compat?

It is not, unfortunately.

It’s stupid fun. I’d probably be bored with it too these days. What elevates it to greatness is how it leans into it. Plus it had that old Relic sheen even if they weren’t third person experts.

Also the multiplayer. So satisfying to land an assault marine on top of some kid camping with the uhhhh… ummm… heavy machine gun role.

Oh right, a trailer. I like the hordes, that’s a good sign. The melee combat looks like they haven’t made a pass to adjust the timing, or the developers simply don’t know how action games work. I’ll be charitable and call it early footage.

A lot of shooting, and a lot of UI…

[video taken down by IGN]

I think the simple answer for me will be to play this game with mouse and keyboard. I think I did that for the first game. I feel better about it now.

The chainsword sound needs another pass, oof. But the biggest shock is going from Mark Strong’s reserved, noble dialogue to this vapid AAA videogame directive voice chatter to describe what the character is doing or needs to do a few short steps away, just in case a braindead player misses something obvious. Shameful.

Looks like marketing didn’t like the unedited gameplay video. They probably forced IGN to take it down.

There’s a new video here. It’s one of those where the player walks around really slowly and pans the camera to all the cool stuff. Like how no one plays videogames at all.

I’m still disturbed by the chainsword sound. How do you get that wrong? That would’ve been my first research project for the sound designers.

What’s the right sound for a chainsword?


Probably pretty similar to the chainsaw bayonet in Gears of War?

If you have to ask, then I think you need to let your inner child out a bit more!

Seriously though, check the last video in the original post. Relic already showed the way.

Shill-up seemed really enthusiastic about the first level and wants to play more:

Missing Mark Strong, and I think Tyranids take some of the fun out of the game tbh. Hearing the Ork Boyz chatter was a lot of the fun in the first game.

Still, there’s no other shooter that’s quite like this IMO.

Delayed until second half of 2024.

September 9th, 2024.

Man this game looks amazing. How’s the first Space Marine?

Very fun and a good example of the setting.