Spirited - Apple TV Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell

Best song in the whole thing.

I had forgotten that I’d seen this movie, but I posted a few times in this thread, so reading that again, I now remember it. I should watch it again.

Whew, we tried watching this and could not finish it. The musical numbers, we thought, were just so-so and unmemorable and the whole thing goes on waaay too long. I think someone mentioned they could cut 20 minutes, I’d argue even more since it’s already just over 2 hours. At some point we checked how much time was left and realized we had half an hour to go so shut it off and never were motivated to go back. I’m glad others like it, though (we went in hoping to!).

Bah humbug.

Well, it’s got Will Ferrell in it & I assume half the movie is just him mugging to the camera. Perhaps it improves if you just cut him out of it completely?

Hahahaha, it’s funny because it’s true. I enjoyed it in this movie though, even though I don’t in most of his movies.

I watched this again tonight and it’s just fantastic. All the songs are right on with great lyrics and dancing. It was even more fun the second time through. It is absolutely a Christmas Classic.

Good afternoon to all of you!

How dare you! Good afternoon!