Squad - Midway Between Battlefield and ARMA

My biggest frustration, other than the aforementioned server queues, is not being able to tell who or what killed me. It’s probably very realistic, but pretty much all of the times I’ve been killed by the enemy as opposed to a friendly it’s been from someone I never saw. Most of the time I don’t have much of an idea which direction the shot came from either.

I mean, that is the realities of combat and the game. Pretty much every milsim is like that.

It will get better the more you play though, as you will start to understand the maps and the pings to get an idea of where the enemy is it, and where you are getting shot from.

It takes a bit of practice.

I can sort of follow the map, but you are right, the game is pretty realistic and seeing a well-positioned shooter is really hard. Luckily everyone gets killed it seems, so as long as you are trying to follow the SL and do your job no one gets upset.

They finally added a new REDFOR faction

Is this one free as well? I’m impressed that they have done no paid dlc so far.

Never had paid DLC. The $20 I spent on buying Squad on sale in 2016 is the best gaming value I’ve ever made.

A lot of my friends are turned off by the whole “invisible man shot me from 200 yards away”, but I always found it to be a pretty profound part of the experience in this and Red Orchestra 2.

You get to feel how expendable you are, and then you realize that for some people this was literally the war. Five minutes of chaos and a quick goodbye. No respawn!

Yeah I do love that bit. Have not played in a bit though; need to try it some more. I switched machines and haven’t installed it again, partly because I was bummed by the long wait times for games. All the servers were constantly full.

It definitely takes a change of mindset for the average player. People are so used to being careless in military-style games that once you make it so easy to die, they just can’t adjust or don’t want to adjust.

I’ve found that by playing these milsim games and Battlefield with an eye toward staying alive first, that I’m way better at the games where death means a lot less like CoD.

Exactly, that’s another thing I love about it. I like to see how far I can get using something that resembles tactics, and I find that it pays off pretty well in most games.

The mortality also makes it that much more satisfying when you go full Rambo and actually end up doing some damage. I’m like “My next of kin are definitely getting a Medal of Honor out of this”.

Is there much cheating in the game?

Not that I’ve noticed, but I play on the SquadOps public servers, so the admins are pretty good.

Another good Moidawg Eye in the Sky video. Hilarious at times.

Yep. I’ve had some really good runs in the Warzone because of tactics advantages I know I’ve gained from the likes of Battlefield and these milsims when I dove in. In Duos now I rarely sweat a 1v2 and in a Quads game with lots of people engaged, I’m often one of the last people standing.

It certainly helps that other players are more willing to take the bullet for me by playing out in the open or engaging at ranges that don’t suit their weapons, etc.

Definitely what makes squad and milsim games great, is the tactics and coordination. In most of the popular Squad servers, each side will have squad leaders and commanders that know what they are doing, where to send people, and how to communicate orders out.

It is really fun being in a part of those games, where you can see the tactics working out, and you feel the full depth of the combat happening around you.

I do like playing the quick respawn fps games as well, there is some fun to be had in the twitchiness and quick returns to action, but I just find so much more fun in the Squad like games. They take a lot more work to get into, but if you are on a good team, with good Squad leads and coordinated logistics people you end up getting carted around from hotspot to hotspot with your squad, which is really unique.

It’s not really a game that would attract a ton of cheaters. I’m sure it happens, but not on a scale worth caring about. One day I will get back into this game. One day…

Haha, the part where I fail is always patience. If I’m just watching a hill for more than a minute, even if I know it’s the only smart thing to do, eventually I’m just gonna get up and do something insane. It’s party time!

So yeah, that guy is definitely me once or twice.

Yeah, it’s two different things right?

One is the satisfying gameplay loop, and the other is an immersive experience. I definitely appreciate both.

I do kinda struggle with any kind of game where I’m pumping half a mag into someone and they’re still standing. Unless it’s a cartoon, I just can’t wrap my head around that.

Even in something like Tarkov, if people are wearing tachanka armor, I’m just like “No, that’s not how things work”.

Lol, skimming the list of forum threads I was struck again that every time I see this thread pop up I initially read it as “Squad - The Muslim Occupying the Vast Ground…”

There are Muslim-based factions in the game!

I always Press F when guys like you get up and move. :)

And people totally don’t run around screaming like idiots. ;) I actually really like the community in Squad when I think about it though. It’s just too slow paced to keep the attention of trolls.