Stadia - Google's vision for the future of gaming

1 and 2 are both outstanding, in my opinion - up there with the Sanctum series in terms of great action/tower-defense games. I’ve been wishing for a proper sequel forever, but if it’s a Stadia exclusive I’ll pass.

OMD1 was the superior game I think, simply due to stronger physics traps. While OMD2 brought multiplayer and a ton of QOL, the reduced capacity to punt orcs all over the place was a great disappointment.

I was always disappointed that Orcs Must Die expected me to kill a significant portion of the hordes myself. I just want my Rube Goldberg of death to run smoothly. I think Dungeon Warfare might provide some of that, but I haven’t played it.

I wonder who even owns that IP anymore. I’m the weirdo who even loved the 3d one.

You could be right, but I only play these kind of games MP. There is almost zero chance for me to play this type of game SP. I don’t know too many people who liked the 3rd one though, regardless of how they play. I just wanted to point out 2 was good, from experience. If 1 was good, well all the better for others.

I’m still surprised OMD F2P Edition Which Was A Super Good Idea Obviously didn’t kill Robot entirely.

Super glad it didn’t, and looking forward to OMD3 whenever it arrives on a platform I am engaged on.

One man Turret Defense is other man hell. Dungeon Warfare is extremely good at what it does. Sort of classical TD game where turrets do all the work and simply grinding will not give you a free pass. You have to think how to solve the problems.

Dungeon Defenders, I loved it to bits, many good times with it.
Dungeon Defenders… I bounced on the surface, tried to like it many times to no avail.
Orcs Must Die 1 and 2. They are far from the formula I like, but I mostly dislike the graphic style, they aim at “generic fantasy”, they do it has “ironically bad generic fantasy”, but It don’t feel ironic to me.

Yes, it is a very divisive game, cleaved the audience in two really.
I got on well with Sanctum despite the unholy bullet sponges because there was a strong mazing component; you essentially required an optimal tower layout to win some of the harder difficulties, plus the co-op was really great. They nerfed mazing in the sequel so I just never played it.
I don’t think I’ve ever stopped playing a game because of the art style, unless it was just so ugly as to be actually unplayable, like many Arcen Games titles. I don’t think “ironically bad” is really what OMD shoots for, the art style just reminds me of other similar fantasy with exaggerated cartoon proportions like Fable, Warcraft, Warhammer, Darksiders, Dragon’s Lair.

Elder Scrolls Online. Everything just looks so washed out and bland. No matter how colorful they try to make the game, it’s just so ugly in motion.

More games added!

  • Destiny 2
  • Watchdogs Legion
  • Borderlands 3

I thought Borderlands 3 was an EGS exclusive? Doesn’t seem so exclusive any more.

Maybe BL3 is just a PC exclusive, but this counts as a console because of the controller? No idea what loopholes are in play.

Shit, so everything on Stadia requires a gamepad?

No idea, but everything on Stadia plays on “any device” or whatever, so perhaps it isn’t strictly limited by PC EGS rules. EGS isn’t keeping BL3 from other non-PC platforms, like XBox and PS4

6 month exclusive for the EGS.

I expect everything to require gamepad support, but that doesn’t mean they can’t support mouse+keyboard also.

IIRC, the Project Stream test supported mouse and keyboard. I think they’ve also demonstrated Doom Eternal that way.

It definitely did yes.

Borderlands 3 is probably a good game that fits with Stadia - fun even when played in small bursts and can tolerate some lag w/o it degrading the experience.

When is Stadia launching? Do they just have a beta release date, or have some kind of a formal 1.0 release date as well?

Edit: I appears they don’t. There’s the sold out Founder’s Edition that comes out this November, but the free edition that everyone is waiting for has no release date yet. Probably some time in 2020, after Borderlands 3 has been on the Epic Store and maybe even Steam for a while.