Stadia - Google's vision for the future of gaming

I think exclusive games are good, because then I can’t accidentally buy the game again on another store.

No, no, don’t you bring that in here.


Have we figured out a good term for annoying people who play Stadia in public yet, like Glassholes for Google Glass? I nominate Stadiots.

Suckers is good enough. Seriously, though, why? It’s no more annoying than other things people do on their phones.

Robot Entertainment’s statement:

Hi all, I’m Patrick Hudson, the CEO of Robot. OMD3 is a timed exclusive on Stadia. The background on that decision:

After shutting down OMDU, Robot had to downsize our studio. We had re-sized and focused on making smaller games than an OMD game. We didn’t know when or if we would get back to the OMD franchise.

We met with Google to learn more about Stadia for our other projects. We discovered that the people at Google are big fans of OMD. That led to an exploration of what might be possible with an OMD game on Stadia. We both got excited about our ideas and decided to go after it.

OMD3 would not be possible today without Google’s support. They are behind the game in a big way. We’ve hired more developers to bring it to life. It’s the OMD game that fans of the first two games have been wanting, and we’re thrilled that we have the opportunity to make it.

When OMD3 releases in spring 2020, it will be a timed exclusive on Stadia. We’ll say more about other platforms in the future.

We’re having a lot of fun playing OMD3 inside the studio, and we hope you love it as much as we do.

All these timed exclusives lately have been a godsend for my backlog. I’ve been having a blast replaying Fallout 4 this summer, getting deeper into the game than previously.

That’s a very nice succinct, non bullshitty statement. Well done.

…is that all it takes to avoid the wrath of the Exclusive Army? You just tell everyone you got fat sacks of cash and hired people and now the game exists but you can only play it on one platform?

Well, certainly “the game wouldn’t even exist if not for this” is a little different than “we took this game that was going to exist for sure off the platform you were anticipating” but also Stadia not having released yet means there are no “it’s not as good as [platform]” arguments yet to help fuel that fire.

Give it time. ;)

Very much this is true.

But also very much this too. Stadia is a hypothetical store, one that has yet to truly disappoint. Also once people realize that Google has a history of dropping projects/ platforms and real games start getting linked to an ephemeral service?

Yeah, the heat will go up.

I’d say that so far, it’s a matter of this being more of a publishing deal than a last minute cash grab, and the fact that it’s just one. Quantity matters. I can understand a few exclusives as being reasonable, especially if they’re funded from the very beginning. Grabbing every big game that comes up is not acceptable. Doing it with crowdfunded games that have been paid for by gamers is even worse IMO. In general though, I consider all exclusives to be bad for the consumer.

Another point is that Stadia isn’t exactly a PC platform. It’s closer to a console in how closed off it is. Not that I consider that a great excuse either.

This isn’t the only announced Stadia exclusive. There is also Get Packed from new studio Moonshine. I think it’s a Cooking Mama style game.

There are likely going to be a lot of games on Stadia that do not feature KB&M support, IMO, including games never destined for mobile.


It begins. That sucks.

Well they have just gone to goddamn far now!

This is true. Google, if you touch that exclusive button one more time, I swear I’m turning this car around!

I don’t care about Stadia exclusives because Stadia won’t work as advertised for the games I’d want to play on it anyway.

I was reading this thread bottom-up, and got all excited that there was a new OMD game coming. Then I realized I was thinking OMF (One Must Fall). Now I’m sad and I’m pretty sure it is Stadia’s fault.

Orcs Must Die 2 is a really fun game. I actually like it better than Dungeon Defenders. OMD capped at 2 players though, and both series went in weird directions.