Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

We chose to build a game of Star Citizen’s complexity and ambition, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

When I thought they couldn’t be more self-indulgent and clueless…

We have made great progress on iCache and are hoping to have it in a live build by Q2 of next year (“hoping” not “promising”).

Ok, first, Apple is not going to like that naming choice. And “hoping” it gets done by Q2 next year? Sounds like “never” to me.

Also, Server Meshing depends on that. So you can imagine when that one would be done.

Like our tech hurdles, it’s not a matter of if Star Citizen will ever reach critical mass but when.

I like his choice of metaphor there. Seems appropriate.

Much like Star Citizen, Squadron 42 is how I always dreamed of being immersed in a riveting story where I was the star of my own huge space epic.

“…I always dreamed of… a… story where I was the star…” Yeah, I can see that.

But with Squadron 42 I can finally immerse you as a player into your own adventure to rival any big budget movie you might see on the big screen

I know everyone would like a definitive date on when Squadron 42 will be done but the best answer I can give you is that it will be done when it is done, and that will not be this year.

Of course not! The year was 2017, as we all know.

No publisher wants to invest the time and money to build something like this.

I wonder why.

Eve and World of Warcraft are still going strong over a decade later and my vision for Star Citizen is far longer.

Oh boy.