Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Right. You’re looking at it from the loaning institution’s perspective, and your logic there is sound.

I’m curious about looking at it from Cloud Imperium’s side of things. As you note:

  1. They have a revenue stream coming in
  2. This loan is not for a great deal of money
  3. The collateral associated with this loan means forfeiture and likely liquidation of all assets if it defaults.

So…considering point 1, that they apparently do generate revenues, why does CIG need a small loan? How close or over on 30-60-90 day terms are they with creditors, in other words?

And given: revenue stream (apparent, at this point we don’t know that amount), loan size (loan appears to be small-ish)…Why would you put your entire project at risk of forfeiture and liquidation?

If the answer to the right of the equals sign is “This is all fine,”, those are the elements of the equation left of that sign that right now aren’t adding up for me.