Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

You know that you’re essentially using an ad-hominem against anyone who may possibly comment on this? UK Corporate Law Experts are hardly going to post on it, and a ‘serious business journalist’ is a term that means fuck all. What quantifies as serious? Who decides who qualifies? Does the guy who does drop tests on Forbes count? I mean it’s Forbes and Forbes is serious business!

triggercut called you on your bullshit and - as usual - you used torturous logic and far too many words to try explain why you didn’t in fact have egg on your face. Though you most certainly did.

I was once involved in an economics discussion around the fairly basic effects quantitative easing had on an economy with regard to inflation. This gentleman had 30 years of experience in finance, had studied Economics at a prestigious University, and earned more in a year than I have in the last 10. He was also entirely wrong and quickly resorted to “I have 30 years of experience I know what I’m talking about”. Unfortunately, every single macroeconomic textbook and several hundred research papers stated that he was wrong.

However, in your world he’s right up until the point an ‘expert’ with ‘serious credentials’ says he is.