Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

It seems the same kind of terrible to me, exactly because there is no substance! YMMV though

I don’t find it bad because of awkward pauses or in-eloquence, I find it bad because I can’t find any actual answers in it!

Agreed! But it seems like if you really want to expose that, you don’t leave in the ‘uhs’ and the ‘ahs’ and the ‘mooooons’.

As I said, I gave up on reading it before, because I couldn’t tell what was his lack of content or my inability to parse through all the filler noise.

I think that’s kind of what you’re going to get from a random internet person’s transcript. No offense to them but they probably don’t know what to cut and keep and how to deal with inflections or whatever. Also I think part of what they are trying to capture is that these are pretty simple softball questions that he should have some kind of stock answer ready for but instead he just fumbles around and doesn’t answer at all.

Pretty much! They weren’t even ‘surprising’ questions so you would have expected a smoother (if no less informative) answer

Agreed, the warts and all transcript is not really that helpful for rebutting the lack of actual content as it’s difficult to parse in written form. It’s only helpful for nit picking at his delivery style, which, whatever, I won’t hold lack of professional public speaking skills against CR.

Agreed. It’s still hardly the most useful of way of presenting the transcript.

That’s the least charitable motivation of the random transcriber’s motivation for leaving that stuff in. I would prefer to assume they did the best job they could as a random, untrained person transcribing an interview for free, rather than assume they were leaving that stuff in to give an impression.

I would agree with you as far as the ideal world, but I think given the person did the transcript is described as “Goon ambassador, SomethingJones” I think it is fair to assume that they provided the transcript with a particular agenda in mind.

Yes. He’s very nervous now; especially since the rumored layoffs are apparently a thing.

There’s nothing unfair about it. SomethingJones transcribes exactly what you would be hearing if you were watching. What’s wrong with that?

You’re reading too much into it. That’s how us Goons have transcribed his many ramblings. It’s a thing. It’s hilarious. And it’s a constant source of lols. Get with the program.

What’s wrong with that is that it is perfectly natural speech for non-professional speakers that our brains are inherently very good at tuning out. Putting it in text makes it a) hard to read and b) not really a fair representation as most people that recall hearing the live speech would not recall the um’s and ah’s anyway. It is purely a (reasonably) spiteful way to present how someone has spoken, rather than the actual content of their speech.

We can do it for Trump though.

Right. See my previous response, and all will be clear :)

Yeah, but I am not sure it is adding that much value to your own messaging. There is enough wrong with the content of CR’s answers, in and of itself, without resorting to essentially making fun of his delivery style.

Besides that, some people are fucking terrified of public speaking. And even those that aren’t terrified or even have natural talent have to practice and rehearse to avoid the old um/ah traps.

We actually don’t do it for Trump!

I think there are some European outlets that do so, but that might be for lack of accurate parsing and a desire to just print the entirely, rather than make errors judging what is style and what is content.

I’m sure; and I have seen such transcripts before.

I think at some point you have to pick if you want to be persuasive or hilarious. At his juncture you’re sacrificing one for the other.

It’s so weird to see you identifying as a Goon these days.

They did collaborate on Desktop Commander way back when, so it isn’t that strange.

In the UK our businesses tend to follow the spirit of the law, rather than US practice which is to follow the letter of the law. Hence huge compliance and legal teams in US banks, to get away with everything they can as long as they are within the letter of the law.

If you look at Star Citizen debacle, the companies practices and the consumers perception of their practices and their personal expectations, this whole thing is rotten through and through. There is a complete lack of ethical culture in this firm. This is a cynical affair, they are relying on addictive personalities and techniques normally associated with the gambling and collectables industry (beanie baby investments etc) to take their client base for every penny they can get.