Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Polygon updated their story, and added another $16K backer looking for a refund and taking legal action

Too bad the title Fucked Company is already taken.

I had to read twice that email this morning to make sure I had understood correctly that they were asking me to sign up for another newsletter.

Today’s Tweet storm starting point. Enjoy!

I miss that website.

I miss FatBabies

Old Man Murray would have had a field day with this fiasco.

I’m guessing CR is working on his book/script for the movie about the making of the non-game, he always did want to direct movies, didn’t he?

This is just a 170$m NaNoWriMo.

That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.

I was just thinking that! I bet it’s been a decade since I last thought about Fatbabies.

I hear PlanetCrap is still going

Sure. In the way zombies are still going.

I wonder if Coutts has demanded to speak with CIG yet. The loan collateral is looking to be worth exactly nothing.

Underappreciated comment. That was beautiful.

BTW, is it okay to laugh at Bernie Madoff’s “victims”?

When CIG has to sell its assets, there will be some (a few, AFAIK) sweet ship models on the market. Who do you think is going to buy them up?


And then they’ll make their own space based FPS.

Not really. In hindsight, perhaps some of Madoff’s savviest investors should have been more credulous and suspicious of how well Madoff’s performance was going, but Madoff was also very good at not over-succeeding to draw that kind of suspicion. When he went down, it was an out-of-the-blue thunderclap.

At this point with CIG, if you’re still investing in ships and digital doo-dads, you are doing so in spite of obvious warning signs and ignoring red flags that even a cursory due diligence would show up. If you were a past investor, maybe you didn’t have enough skin in the game to make it worthwhile to get your investment out, or you did and seized your chance to grab a refund…or you knowingly decided to ride this rocket into the ground.