Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Holding my breath for a zombie outbreak DLC. Maybe I get to buy my own zombie.

It was rendered in-engine (just like COD, BF etc) with the only difference being the cinematics editing they added e.g. in the actual “game”, my source tells me that it’s the same, different camera angle, but in first person view

Am I the only one that has an issue with a thruster ‘sticking’? Old shitty trope anyone?

He’s about to get his face burned off.

That’s just the level of simulation fidelity that Star Citizen is known for.

But for serious, if they could actually show someone playing this game for 5 minutes with a real controller and the appearance of it being even remotely enjoyable to play, people would shut up about it.

Guess it’s safe to keep talking.

how is @tbaldree able to release action shots/clips/GIFs and complete Rebel Galaxy in a fraction of the time?

He’s actually competent?

I’m glad you can get paintjobs for the tanks or I might feel I’m not getting value for money.

Er, or I’m 1000% less ambitious, am not making an MMO, and don’t need all my ships to physically function in the real world, or my income to sustain multiple companies across multiple continents.

And you’re competent!

I’m pretty confident there are LOADS of competent individuals at RSI…

I suspect the extended squadron trailer wasn’t actually in slow motion just running at the most optimized framerate

Agreed. Too bad they’re not the ones that matter most (aka, the “decision makers”)…

My new article is up. It contains some Squadron 42 scoops. That game, get this, is now coming in 2019.

Well they are saying Holiday 2018, so I may be on the money yet!

Well, clearly we’re all doing it wrong. That’s why nobody wants to give us $175M to make games.

On the plus side, we won’t die of schadenfreude poisoning.

They canceled the show. My scoop this morning totally had nothing to do with it.

I still want both these games to come out and work in the end. And be enjoyable.