Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Say what? Please elaborate.

Careful what you wish for. :)
But I would want to see the video of you in action, should that ever come to pass. I’m sure you would tear into it with great gusto!


If a judge had a connection to this shit show in any way shape or form, being a backer or former backer, he’d recuse immediately.

We only say that because it makes those guys mad as hell. The issue is that once the judge shreds the CIG motion on Feb 9th, puts in a blender, and serves it to CIG, those guys are going to be all over the place attacking her, claiming she’s partial, doesn’t understand game development, is a Derek Smart stooge, a Goon etc. You know, all the things they’ve been shoving into Skadden’s Twitter feed since I dropped the lawsuit news on Dec 13th.

In case you were wondering, here are some of the more popular streamers, just last night, talking about those guys. Watch for like 3 mins.

4hr twitch stream? Weekly? Who the fuck has time for this?

I stream about that much over each week. It’s not bad if you space it out.

I see what you did there. :)

OMG hahahahaha I didn’t even notice that!

Star Citizen - The Fall

So Crytek will win the lawsuit and extract their pound of flesh. At that point Roberts can say the project has been irrevocably damaged and he is shutting it all down with that excuse as his out. He and his family already made their millions off of it so he won’t care, and he can put all the blame on Crytek. Maybe he is smarter than we think.

That is expected, and presumably why there was an IP transfer to another company. However, Derek implied he was sure there were going to be criminal proceedings following the suit, but can’t really make it public. I think. Who knows, anyway.

For fuck sake, take the money and run? The dude is passionate about what he does, ever had something like that, I guess not …

So passionate he created 11+ shell companies to oversee the creation of one game!! Or is it two? Ah, who knows?

In this modern shitshow of a corporate world this is highly common, please find a real smoking gun

Oh for sure, no argument there. But, you gotta admit, if this falls over, it’s going to make it nigh impossible to follow the money/management flow and also do a tremendous job of insulating certain elements and people to boot, just like elsewhere in this modern shitshow of a corporate world! :)

@ sharaleo, isn’t that just simple covering your arse, and not malice perse on the part of Chris Roberts?

My impression is that Crytek are hardly good guys in general.

Still, even though I have not even 1 pepny invested in this, I would be sad to see it fail. Large scale failure like this does nothing to further the hobby ™.

Meh, I think it’s shitty when Apple et al use shell companies to sell their IP to subsidiaries at inflated prices to avoid tax. So I think it’s shitty if CIG does the same thing. It’s absolutely malice - directed towards tax payers, for the benefit of shareholders (or in CIG’s case, backers) - as it is intentional and has quantifiable effect on collected taxes and therefore investment in infrastructure and services that governments are able to make. But, hate the game, not the player, I guess.

As to shielding owners if a business goes bust, if this thing goes belly up and CR and crew sail to the Bahamas in a yacht, well, same deal ultimately, hate the game, not the player. Doesn’t mean you can’t call the players out though.

We are in agreement.

I was under the impression this is the exact reason limited companies and then corporations were actually formed, with the net good being that capital flowed from savers into companies and then into countries, instead of the days where if your company went down (and it was a small company because it was you and your family basically) you were totally fucked.

Anyway, I’m not an expert, the finer points elude me, but this seems to be a textbook case of capitalism at it’s core, yes CR might “get away with it,” but the man is clearly a geek so the opprobrium he’ll be getting if he does fold and run away will make Peter Molyneux and the No Man’s Sky marketing department look like a Saint, and I think he’ll take that to heart.


FWIW, I think he started out with the best of intentions and really wanted to make the game. But then more money came rolling in than anyone ever imagined and he had no idea or plan of how to manage that. Things spiraled out of his control and he ended up making a mess of it. So yes, now I think he just wants a way out and it looks like Cryotek might provide him with that.

This. I think Chris had best of intentions when he created the kick starter funding. The game as defined was big but very contained and do-able. I invested at that level.

But then the next thing he knew, millions of dollars start flowing in. He finds he can sell vapor (JPGs of a space ship) for millions more. The money just keeps flowing in, and millions of dollars can be a heady thing. And the more he expands the plans, the more the money flows in. Next thing you know he’s hanging out with movie stars and directing them. And it all gets far, far bigger than he has the ability to manage. There’s no real way out for him. My guess, whether it’s this lawsuit or not, is that he would desperately like a way out that lets him keep all the money he and his family has pocketed.

Although that also means the millions stop flowing in. And he will likely never be able to do something like this again (at this level.)

This was always my opinion as well, and still is.