Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

This may be hard to believe but, in Star Citizen, roadmaps, remodelling, upcoming features, trailers etc. are not steps that will one day lead to a game, they are the game.


Just watched a video on youtube, game seems to be going along well!

At about the 7-minute mark:

I don’t know who’s talking in that video, but what a disgusting human being. Ugh.


You know it’s a satirical video, right? Although I agree that the comment is a little off color.

Yeah, it’s 20 minutes of Elite Dangerous gameplay satirically taking the piss at the state of SC in comparison.

Ah, in that case, I seem to have gotten trolled. It’s still a gross comment, but slightly less gross.


I also I didn’t know. I expected satire going in, but then thought he was being genuine. I only listened for about 2 minutes though, until he was happy, then I lost interest. Only schadenfreude for me, plz.

Plus I can’t tell Elite and Star Citizen apart, since I don’t play either one.

What a great way to start my Monday :).

Hey everyone, I just want everyone to know that there’s some folks that feel uncomfortable and excluded by all the negativity posted about the game on this thread.

As a result: Derek, please try to tone down your invective. There’s people on the board that are feeling left out by all of the critical stuff you’re posting.

C’mon, no dogpiles now! I’m sure there’s something positive we can talk about here!

So let me start:

image am I doing this right?

@scharmers, would you say that you are. . . triggered by discussions of positivity, welcoming atmospheres, and considerate forum participation?

Golly, AP, no. I welcome the out-of-the-blue sea change that will transform our curmudgeonly corner of the Internet into an all-embracing virtual paradise, where anyone can post without being challenged or – God Forbid (and I mean that in the most secular way possible, or if you aren’t, then respectfully mindful of your religious background) – experience anything that might make them feel uncomfortable and left out.

So I figure that the Star Citizen thread is a good place to start! After all, if we can manage to cheerfully and respectfully discuss this filthy fucking con without losing our probiotic lunches, well then, that’s certainly a good sign!

Have a great day, AP! And hey – have I ever told you that I love your metal thread? Well, I do! Take it easy, man!

the bass, the rock, the mic, the treble…

Are…you okay man? Did you fall on your head or some such?

Here’s a .gif that I hope brightens your day, Brian! Have a good one!

actually it’s a .jpg. Sorry!

…I’m scared. Did I fall into the mirror universe? Does scharmers now have a goatee?

I more or less always do!

Hey @scharmers I can contribute! Everyday I pop into this topic and usually wind up smiling just a little bit. Then I look up at the bright blue sky, smile again and say “Thank you lord, for giving me my anti-kickstarter funk when this was first introduced”

I don’t have dog in this fight, but I was impressed with how the Stardock lawsuit thread focused those wanting to gnaw at it away from those wanting to discuss the game. Perhaps something similar should happen here.

That picture is actually perfect, because it shows that, while friendship can indeed be magic, it is not (and probably should not be) actually devoid of Discord.

I know that there are a lot of Doctor Who fans here too so I didn’t want them to make them feel left out

And great idea on splitting off the Star Citizen thread! That way folks can trade their spaceship .jpgs in peace without having Derek spearing his white whale all over the place.
